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=242= CPT. Helios

Server randomly kicking people when BE Enabled

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I'm running a public server with Battleye enabled at Whenever a player joins, regardless of their loaded mods, it's only a matter of time before they're kicked without warning. 
Players are allowed to join the server and play for a while, but they eventually get kicked. I have another (locked) server with nearly identical settings - save for BE and Verify Signatures - and this issue never happens.

Is there anyway to resolve this issue without just turning off Battleye and trying to find some other way to protect ourselves against cheaters?

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This must be an intermittent or poor connection issue, most likely to the BEServer


Do your clients run the


or the

arma3battleye.exe" 0 1


to start their game. I recommend they use the second option via a desktop shortcut

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And the kick message in the arma ingame chat, would be useful, to see why BE kicked the people

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@terox@Arkensor this is actually a serious issue. I have it as well. There's no kick log or error message. It just happens randomly to players at random times. It even happens to me.

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk

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This happens to a certain extent on our servers too, intermittent, no pattern on both pure vanilla and addon servers.

I am speculating that this is a time out/connection issue between the BE master server and the clients. I suspect that if you look at the client connections more in depth, you will notice this is happening to high latency clients more than low latency ones. Without BE knowledge, as I stated this is purely speculative and without knowing how often the BE master server talks to the clients or how the entire dedicated server, client, Master BE server communicate we can only guess. If this is occurring very frequently then I suppose the only thing you could do is visit your bandwidth settings and run with less client connections.

Just exactly what type of server do you run, what are the hardware and connection specs and how many clients does it support ?

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@terox After testing and doing some research, I have found the issue to be with:

verifySignatures = 2;

Once disabled, the random kicks stop completely. The only issue that comes with this 'fix' is security.

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk

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