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How to Remove HE rounds from Kajman?

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I have a Kajman helicopter which is terribly OP against infantry in my mission thanks to its HE machinegun. I would like to remove it, so the enemy AI has to use AP bullets instead. How do I do that?

I tried :

myHeli RemoveMagazineTurret ["250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells",[-1]];
myHeli RemoveMagazineTurret ["250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells",[0]];
myHeli RemoveMagazineTurret ["250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells",[1]];

But none of that did anything. How do I remove these magazines correctly?

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Try removeMagazinesTurret instead and watch locality

That's what I am using. I haven't managed to achieve this in single player yet, let alone in MP.

EDIT: Ah, there is Magazines! I'll try to use it somehow.

EDIT2: I've tried it and it did nothing.

EDIT3: Solved by using: this removeMagazinesTurret ["250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Green",[0]];|

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