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" addction, dragObject, attachTo, setVariable, getVaraible, detach" - Help

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I'm trying to a object move and it keeps showing the same error could anyone help me?

shield addaction ["Pick up Shield",{call S_dragObject}];

S_dragObject = {
	_object = (_this select 0);
	_object attachTo [NATO_BIS_5, [0,2,0]];
	NATO_BIS_5 setVariable ["object",_object];
	NATO_BIS_5 Addaction ["Deploy Shield",{call S_dropObject}];

S_dragObject = {
_id = (_this select 2);

	NATO_BIS_5 removeAction _id;
	_object = NATO_BIS_5 getVariable "object";
	detach _object;


and in-game Erros comes (sorry if i program it wrong i'm a Python Programmer not an SQF one



'..ATO_BIS_5 getVaraible "object";

detach |#|_object;
File c:\Users\Augus.DESKTOP-6975015\Documents\ArmA 3- Other Profiles\Ryan%20Turner%20\missionsMP_PVP_BOMB_Day_SAS_01.altis.sqf line
Error Undefined varaible in expression: _object
Thank you

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_object = NATO_BIS_5 getVariable ["object", objNull];

If the Object doesn't have it's variable set properly you should add a default (objNull).

Just a guess.


EDIT: Both functions are named "S_dragObject" that just a typo right?

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shield addaction ["Pick up Shield",{call S_dragObject}]; ///you are calling the function without input. change to: _this call S_dragObject

S_dragObject = {
	_object = (_this select 0); ///and here you are using input
	_object attachTo [NATO_BIS_5, [0,2,0]];
	NATO_BIS_5 setVariable ["object",_object];
	NATO_BIS_5 Addaction ["Deploy Shield",{call S_dropObject}];

S_dragObject = { ///why does this function have the same name as the one above? you are basically overwriting the old one
_id = (_this select 2);

	NATO_BIS_5 removeAction _id;
	_object = NATO_BIS_5 getVariable "object";
	detach _object;


just some things i noticed

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Oky if i did the ObjNull it doesnt work, i change the last S_dragObject to SS_dragObject, it picks the object but it doesnt drop it


"'call |#|S_dropObject'

Error undefined varible in expression s_dropobject"
shield addaction ["Pick up Shield",{call S_dragObject}];

S_dragObject = {
	_object = (_this select 0);
	_object attachTo [NATO_BIS_5, [0,2,0]];
	NATO_BIS_5 setVariable ["object",_object];
	NATO_BIS_5 Addaction ["Deploy Shield",{call S_dropObject}];

SS_dragObject = {
_id = (_this select 2);

	NATO_BIS_5 removeAction _id;
	_object = NATO_BIS_5 getVariable "object";
	detach _object;

i dont have that much a clue in SQL/SQF Scripting, i wanted to make an object only picked up by an "X Person" who can be drop and carried and it stays as a Physical object when picked up, i suck at SQL
EDIT: I was trying to follow this video i was tryign to to the first part he does i know it old does that make a diference? ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXNW-dnelDs&index=17&list=PLhzMalhNo64W3iG_97ncmUGEXhPAvEhJd ) 

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SS_dragObject needs to be renamed to S_dropObject.


You have a call in S_dragObject that is referenced to a non existent procedure, hence the error.

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try to be more conscious about what you are doing. you can't just refer to a variable that isn't there.


that's why i only hinted at things instead of fixing your code. you will save a lot of time by reading your code line by line making sure you actually know/understand what you are doing.

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