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arma 3 server doesn't read second MOD

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Hello guys, my server can read only one mod of the parametres of mod.

parms="-netlog -ip=${ip} -port=${port} -cfg=${networkcfgfullpath} -config=${servercfgfullpath} -mod=${mods} -servermod=${servermods} -bepath=${bepath} -autoinit -loadmissiontomemory"



The server read only life_server, and not jeep... I try with @life_server\, same thing... P.S I'm in debian 7. 

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project of illimination, try loading just @jeep and not @life


and if that works then try mods="@jeep;@life_server"


I would also assume that the @life_server should maybe just be loaded in servermods

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project of illimination, try loading just @jeep and not @life


and if that works then try mods="@jeep;@life_server"


I would also assume that the @life_server should maybe just be loaded in servermods


If i load first @jeep then @life_server, read only @jeep and not @life_server... And if i put @life_server after @extDB2, the server dosen't read @life_server, but just @extDB2.

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