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spawn a non steerable parachute

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how would I spawn the player in the air with a non-steerable parachute? 


I do not want to equip the player with a real chute as they need their original backpacks and I don't want them to potentially fly off to the "wrong" place, messing up some trigger, so they must land in roughly the same spot every time.


Now I am using [objnull, this] call BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited; in the init of the units (they start in the air), bit this gives them a steerable chute, is there a way to disable / change that? I also tried to add ampty chutes to the map and put the squad members as drivers of those, now they cant steer the chute so that part works fine, but they sometimes die when hitting the ground and they seem to always turn to face north when the mission start (doesn't matter which orientation they have in the editor).

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You could attach the player to a parachute and play the right anim until he touches ground.

Look for supply drop scripts for starters. ;)

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