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OnTeamSwitch, teamSwitch... who masters this command?

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Hi all,

Here is one of the more time wasting command as it works sometimes, but never in a reliable manner.

I took time to dismount all my scripts and I'm referring to a simple standard basic mission with just 3 playable units, no enemy, no script.

Arma 3 V 1.58.


A trigger or a little script with:


0 = [] spawn {onTeamSwitch { hint "blah blah"}}; in an unconditional trigger works... but not in more complex mission.


0 = [] spawn {addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}]} doesn't work. (spawned or not) This should work since 1.57.


Of course, BI writing about stackable version, I just tried for "fun":

0 = [] spawn { ["blabla","onTeamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}] call bis_fnc_addStackedEventHandler }; It was not supposed to work and I confirm it doesn't.



So, at this time, I would like to know how to make reliable the basic onTeamSwitch. I got it sometimes, without explanation.

the [] spawn {onTeamSwitch { hint "blah blah"}}; is on the start script of an addon triggering other eventHandlers, MEH like draw3D, EH like "fired",

or onMapSingleClick, fine also.

All of them works well. Where ever I place this onTeamSwitch, spawned or not, it fails.

I even tried to loop it each 2 seconds... just to test. No result.


So if you have some workable code with this command, proven in trial by fire on large scripts, many many thanks.




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I tried also in a SP mission with no success. I'm looking for an explanation on my side.

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There is a known problem with mission event handlers implementation in 3DEN. Could you please try the same but in 2DEN and report back?

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No joy. Exactly the same results In 2D editor, Arma 3 + BI DLC, no mod, 4 playable units and nothing else but the trigger.


0 = [] spawn {onTeamSwitch { hint "blah blah"}}; in an unconditional trigger works.

0 = [] spawn {addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}]} doesn't work.


On an other level:

I had to stay with the "old" onTeamSwitch version for my addon (on Steam now). But, with several and diverse EHs (all working fine), I had to loop this one! I guess it's mad and poorly written, but this didn't work before (or just one time):


[] spawn {
  while {!isMultiplayer} do {
    onTeamSwitch {
      if (isnil "keys") then {keys = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyDown", "_this call TP_keys"]};
      _from enableAI "TEAMSWITCH";    // seems to be mandatory for a better AI behavior after switch
      call MGI_fnc_addingActions; //  don't run if no loop!
  sleep 1;


Other EHs , like draw3D, fired, firedNear,... are far more easier and reliable.

I'm looking also a way to recover my displayAddEventHandler "keyDown" (in a sqf called by the config.cpp) when resuming a mission (exit and resume or load a saved one). I don't know what is the engine's behavior, but all goes well (draw3D and else) except this EH "keydown".

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Spawning a code is just an habit, using trigger or console with bunch of local variables. Sometimes, guys on armaHolic ask for a code and I don't need to create an init.sqf for testing it.

I admit this is not useful here! Of course I tested directly EH, with no more success. That doesn't seem to make difference.

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If we are talking about the mission, It takes less time to place 4 playable units on Stratis or Altis, write in console or add an unconditional trigger with:

addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}] - result 0% working


onTeamSwitch { hint "blah blah"} - result 100% working for this basic situation.

2D or 3D editor.


If we are talking about my post #5, it's an add-on which works (except keydown EH when saving/resuming a mission but it's another problem).

I just had to loop the onTeamSwitch, I don't know why. pbo is already on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673533220 .

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Sorry, but I dont understand, what do you mean by unconditional trigger and where do you insert addMissionEventHandler?

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open editor. No matter the map.

Place 3 or 4 playable units.

Place a trigger, no dimension. Unconditional means you delete 'this' in condition field. This will fire the trigger without condition, at start of the mission, but I guess you know that!

In the on act field of this trigger:  addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}]


or if you prefer, disregard the trigger and write this code in debug console.

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