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Gunship -OFP-ZONE-

Tigergunboat for download!

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colonell_Klink made an great addon a Tigergunboat in 6 versions !

3 green camo and 1 blue grey camo. Edit* Black Ops added

Now Civilian Police

Crew = 2

Transport soldiers = 3

Weaponry = twin .50 cal 0 .30 cal minigun.

Versions = Gunboat, Command/w radar, Minigun/w radar, naval minigun. Other variations if requested.

Speed = 90kph + (should be 150 kph but limited by OFP engine)


More info and download at http://www.ofp-zone.de



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2 things......

1. That pic is 25kb over the 100kb rule.

2. I believe a while back I asked you to not keep making new threads every time you have something to advertise, if you have a currently active thread and you have something new for download put it in the currently active thread please.

Closing smile.gif

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