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Arma 3 - Spawning as a Seagull

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So, we've been working on this training mission for the past couple of days and we've noticed a common problem and can't think what is causing it.


The issue:


- A couple of slots spawn as seagulls.


Why is this?


Well we thought it was the spacing and increased it - No fix


Now we're stumped. Heres a list of our addons if they cause it:


Main Modpack [Main]








userconfig [ace, mdh_topdownattack, task_force_radio, tpwcas]


Secondary Modpack [Maps]





FFIS was removed once REME had a change of staff, we noticed our previous person was an idiot and didn't remove it, as it's outdated and screwed since the EDEN Update.

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Make sure your server is updated to the latest version, I've had this problem caused by an outdated server before.

Good luck,

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is this still supported to spawn in as a seagull, i cant manage to do this, is this still working?


i try to use 1 and BIRD in description but game let me never spawn as a bird, goes right to mission failed after death the other options seem to work but not the bird

best regards

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