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I wrote two scripts they are all working fine in dedicated servers but only problem is that they're not synced.


Script 1:
Radio news narrator:

The script works good, other players can hear it in the same time but I have on the radio object two addActions "Turn on" and "Turn off".

When the radio is on "Turn off" action is appears, when it's off "Turn off" action is appears.

The problem is when I turn the radio off and I get the "Turn on" action, other players can still see the "Turn off" action without getting the "Turn on" action.


turn_on.sqf (executed in init.sqf file with execVM):

radio = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "radiomarker");
nul = [radio,"radio"] call fn_netSay3D;

toggle removeAction toggleon;
toggleoff = toggle addAction ["Turn radio off", "scripts\radionews\radio_off.sqf",nill,1.5,false,false,"","(player distance pc1) < 2"];


deleteVehicle radio;

toggle removeAction toggleoff;

toggleon = toggle addAction ["Turn radio on", "scripts\radionews\radio_on.sqf",nill,1.5,false,false,"","(player distance pc1) < 2"];

Is there a way of making the actions synced?


Script 2:

Slideshow with monitors:

I wrote a slideshow with monitors using a simple setObjectTexture command executes with an addAction command.

It works fine too, other players can see those textures too. Problem is they see them in a delay of about 30 seconds.

Is there a way of decreasing this delay?



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This is because addaction is local.

If you do action script removes the action from object but for  you only.

You need to use passed addaction idx into the script (_this select 2) and

remove the action using remoteexec and action id for everybody

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And what about the texture sync?

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Textures are almost always finicky, a lot of the time each person just needs to get close enough to the object to see the texture (or have them render in), but try setObjectTextureGlobal if you haven't done so yet to see if that makes any difference.

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Textures are almost always finicky, a lot of the time each person just needs to get close enough to the object to see the texture (or have them render in), but try setObjectTextureGlobal if you haven't done so yet to see if that makes any difference.

alright, thanks :)

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Textures are almost always finicky, a lot of the time each person just needs to get close enough to the object to see the texture (or have them render in), but try setObjectTextureGlobal if you haven't done so yet to see if that makes any difference.

After I changed the setObjectTexture to setObjectTextureGlobal one of the textures started not to be shown.

When I change the texture file of this specific code line to another texture file it does shown up.

I tried to manipulate the not working texture file but nothing changed.

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After I changed the setObjectTexture to setObjectTextureGlobal one of the textures started not to be shown.

When I change the texture file of this specific code line to another texture file it does shown up.

I tried to manipulate the not working texture file but nothing changed.

This comment can be found in the wiki:

Elch2070In some cases the ".paa" files do not work. Instead you can try ".jpg" files.

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