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[SOLVED] [AI] How to get that an AI helicopter lift a cargo?

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Hello, I have a problem with this two waypoints: "LIFT CARGO/DROP CARGO"...


When the helicopter arrives to the "LIFT CARGO" waypoint, it just stop and stay in hovering flight...


So my question is: how to use these waypoints correctly? And otherwise, how to proceed to the cargo lifting?


Thanks and best regards...



PS: I have tried with a Chinook and the following cars/APCs: AMV-7 Marshall, HEMTT Transport (Covered) and Hunter.


Thank again.

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You have to place the lift cargo waypoint on top of the object you want to lift. Also, keep in mind that not every helicopter can lift every vehicle because of the mass of the cargo.

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You have to place the lift cargo waypoint on top of the object you want to lift. Also, keep in mind that not every helicopter can lift every vehicle because of the mass of the cargo.


By "on top" you mean "attached"?


If that is the case, I've already tried...


NOTE: I use the 3D editor.

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Ok, for some reason, It does work now. BI's AI is very strange sometimes...

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The bag thing is to have to place this "lift" waypoint exactly on the object to lift. (In Eden cursor is changing color and shape) That disable all rotation patterns. If you want some repetitive lift use a "move" waypoint and setSlingLoad command instead.

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This works for me 99%-100% of the time. I've also had problems with a not lifting correctly.


_Waypoint = _Group addWaypoint [_container, 0];
_Waypoint setWaypointType "HOOK";
_Waypoint waypointAttachVehicle _container;


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