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FiredNear Event handler.

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Is there a way of extending the range of the fired near event handler. I am looking to be able to detect a firer with in the range of up to 1km minimum. 


Thanks in advance

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this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", "if (drone1 distance (_this select 1) < 3500) then {hint 'unit in range';}"]

this is my current init line above in the the drone (drone1) how ever even if I change it to the following bellow

this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", "if (drone1 distance (_this select 1) > 1000) then {hint 'unit in range';}"]

 it doesnt seem to make a difference, the range still seems limited to 50m 


Again thanks to anyone who can shead some light on this

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because I want to have unit A ... a drone moving and detecting fire with in 1km .. i tried using fired but it ment needing to add an event handler to every other unit in the game.

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u only need to add the fired EH to every unit within 1000 m of the drone. if a unit leaves that circle u can delete the EH from it.

II know that not a good solution because u need an endless loop for it which should be avoided by the use of an EH.

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Exactly. What's stopping you from doing it?

Eventhandlers are the only performance friendly way to achieve what you want.



somecondition= true;
_allUnits = allUnits;

while {somecondition} do {


        if (_x getvariable ["MyFiringEH",-1] isEqualTo -1) then {

            _eventHandlerID = _x addEventHandler ["Fired",{"yourcodeHere"}];
            _x setvariable ["MyFiringEH",_eventHandlerID];


    } foreach _allUnits;

    waituntil {sleep 1;!(_allUnits isEqualTo allUnits)};
    _allUnits = allUnits;



_x removeEventHandler ["Fired",(_x getvariable ["MyFiringEH",-1])];

} foreach allUnits;

Not that hard and shouldn't cost any performance unless you're running thousands of units (you won't).

Once somecondition turns false the eventhandlers will automatically be removed from all units.



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