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[SOLVED] [AI] How to get them out from an SDV underwater ?

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Hello, I just would like for my AI diver group, to disembark underwater from their SDV. But for strange reason, they go to shore before disembark...


I have tried everything that I found, but all failed...

I have tested all ways like "{action eject}, unassignVehicle, etc..." but the AI units get in imediately after getting out at the waypoint...


I definitely need an expert...


Thanks and regards.


PS: I'm looking to get all of the team out from the SDV and not only three members of four. (Without the driver.)




Here you can find my test senario (3D editor): https://mega.nz/#!Iw430RZR!8GYXgYIELpFyDkFWyawylLlhmu-s_NsSVlhwxS5L0_A


The goal is to make that the AI diver group, disembark at the "GET OUT" waypoint, and continue by swimming to the last waypoint.


Thank again.

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I think it should work with moveOut

I've tried with:

{moveOut _x;} forEach units group player;

on the "OnAct" field of the waypoint but that does not work...


The AI leader commands a "get in" imediately after the "moveOut" action.

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you have do some more commands here.


unassignVehicle (maybe that command could be enough)


unitArray orderGetIn false; (forbids to get in again)

I think that you found the solution. I need to make more tests.


I'll keep you informed.

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If the above solution ends up not working out or you simply want to experiment some more to learn, could you try locking the SDV after you eject them? I'm assuming you're using a trigger to eject them, but it might work with a waypoint as well, anyway, you could theoretically add something like sdv1 lock true; to the trigger after they are ejected so they cannot get back in, but whether or not they will swim the rest of the way to shore after that or get "stuck" trying to get back into a locked vehicle I have no idea. AI behavior around water is less than perfect.

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If the above solution ends up not working out or you simply want to experiment some more to learn, could you try locking the SDV after you eject them? I'm assuming you're using a trigger to eject them, but it might work with a waypoint as well, anyway, you could theoretically add something like sdv1 lock true; to the trigger after they are ejected so they cannot get back in, but whether or not they will swim the rest of the way to shore after that or get "stuck" trying to get back into a locked vehicle I have no idea. AI behavior around water is less than perfect.

This can be a more "clean" solution... I will try.

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Ok, I have definitely found the most optimized solution.


"leaveVehicle" do the job perfectly.


There is two possible scenarios:


1) you are in the diver team (not the leader, beacause in this case, the problem does not arise):


- put a variable name for your SDV (e.g. "submarine");


- create a waypoint of type "MOVE";


- put this in the "On Activation" field of the waypoint:

group player leaveVehicle submarine; {_x action ["GetOut", vehicle _x];} forEach units group player;

2) your are not in the diver team (full AI group):


- put a variable name for your SDV (e.g. "submarine");


- create a waypoint of type "MOVE";


- put this in the "On Activation" field of the waypoint:

diverTeam leaveVehicle submarine; {_x action ["GetOut", vehicle _x];} forEach units diverTeam;

- put that in the "Init" field of the leader of the diver group:

diverTeam = group this;

I hope that this will help... If someone have a better solution, I'm open...


Thank for replies and have a nice day.


PS: Mynock, I have tried and the AIs can visibly get in a locked vehicle. (Tried with all parameters for "lock".)


PS2: Don't forget to put a timed waiting in the "Timer values" fields of the waypoint if the group quit savagely the SDV and let the engine on.

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