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Orient a selection of editor objects

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Hello, is it possible to orient a selection of multiple objects accurately at once? You can double click on any individual object and enter accurate position values with ease, for example placement at 90°. Is it possible to do this with a section of objects or units?



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Select everything you want to edit, Right Click > Attributes and do what ever you need, position and rotation changes may need you to tick the box next to them to enable the changes. Will change everything, although some attributes will be limited by the types you have selected.

It is also possible to do stuff from the debugConsole e.g

Select the objects you want to edit, bring up the debugConsole and run..

			_x set3DENAttribute [ "rotation", [ 0, 0, 90 ] ];
		}forEach _x;
	}forEach ( get3DENSelected "" );
This would rotate everything you have selected to face East 90degress and collect it all under one undo.

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