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chopper question

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i basically want a few Eastern choppers to fly over woods where the player is and open fire on him. But whether it's because they can't see him or whatever,they just fly to the area and don't fire. Can anyone help me?

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Well i don't think a chopper could see you in the woods but do a test put the man on open ground and see what happens then do it in the woods.


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i dont think it could see men but ive had A10's killing T80's and Bmp's in woods by using the "destroy" waypoint

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yeah that would make sense coz they have the infa-red sensor right ?


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Normally, AI helicrews do not engage soldier targets unless they are mounted in a vehicle. Noticed this yesterday as I refined my Paratrooper script. A Mi17 dropped a squad of paratroopers while I was riding in a Trabant driven by an AI fellow. It began to chase us but had little success in training it´s rocketpods at us but eventually we got a pasting. They seldom engage if you´re on foot only.

Perhaps you should try this in a trigger:

Condition: Helo KnowsAbout playername

On activation: Helo DoFire playername

This should prove whether the gunship can see you at all or not. If it does, then you´re dead meat wink.gif if not, try with a trigger that activates whenever the gunship is close to your character and uses the same line: Helo DoFire playername

Just a hint...

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Also, if you have your guy do something to attract the attention of the helo, ie. shoot at it, then it will fire on you if it can.

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one more question....how do i get the choppers to have their lights on as they fly overhead? thanks again....

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If it's dark and the choppers aren't in Stealth behaviour, they should have their lights on, but you can turn them on by writing this action ["lighton"] in the init field.

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