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CS of Jacobi - Saviours

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                              Cs of Jacobi

                                                         (Christian State of Jacobi)


A small state located here, there and somewhere.


This state was founded way back by a wrong turn!!!!!!


A gigantic force was headin towards the holy land.

But Saladin turned a road sign the other way,

so this force went right out into nowhere,

where they was walking around until the found an big oasis.

The locals livin there went up in smoke at the same time this force arrived.....



Main income is from the Oil




Army is named Saviours


at the age of 7 all kids are sent to the Saviours Academy, When they turn 15 the duty starts and ends when reachin 30 (if death dont end it earlier).

After 30 if being a good Saviour- can be promoted the title Saviours Veteran


The weapon system of Saviours aint logical at all period




Believers - main citizen of jacobi


True Believers - Priests, Saviours Veteran


No1 - The 4 priests


To become a citizen of Jacobi - aint easy for an outsider (marry youre way in-or have much money)


Goverment,Dictatorship whatever


The 4 high priest choosen by God 


Link to Jacobi, Saviours, crCTI and Saviours Daesh were no good try here instead https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=F3952B127C75B21C!721&authkey=!ABNa2P1ieBfuWHU&ithint=folder%2crar



Jacobi dl here  see above

Jacobi Requires Cup Terrain http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30046


Jacobi Units Soldiers @saviours dl  doesnt req any other things


Jacobi sworn enemy Saviours_Daesh dl here  see above

Req CBA A3           http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 and

Req Cup Weapons dl here   http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489

Daesh have east and west side 



crCTI mission (because i havent time or to be more honest my mission makin is scheisse)


crCTI_24_Proman_saviours_v130 dl here see above


Req Jacobi, Saviours, Saviours_Daesh


CUP Terrain    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30046

Cup Weapons  http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489

CUP Vehicles  http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29716

CBA A3           http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767



im not a modder-texture guru or a script God...

units have missing parts in texture

aint no logic in my configs (like my brain)

So after all im lucky to even make it work

So blame your self if you get messed up while playin this things


Over and Out Coward Heart

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The download button doesn't work. Can't see anything there.

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The download button doesn't work. Can't see anything there.

Noticed that did a quick fix.....sorry

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Daesh??? look like ISIS why dont give them that name......the weapons ammo of sailors is unrealistic....map is nice  

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Daesh??? look like ISIS why dont give them that name......the weapons ammo of sailors is unrealistic....map is nice  

Maybe the author doesn´t want to give those f@#ers more media they already have, and wants to work with fictional groups, as this is a game after all (closer to milsim but still a game...it isn´t VBS3 after all) and if you like the map, fine, create your own missions and use Syrian conflict or Leights OPFOR mods so you can populate the map with those misogenic terrorist groups, how about that? ;)


And welcome to the foruns (don´t forget to read all the rules, just in case, many haven´t done that lately and have spawned unnecesary moderator attention =)


On a side note, I thought this mod was about The Walking Dead´s "Saviors" villain group lol... nice idea and map execution, thou!



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Daesh is a "derogatory" name for ISIS.  Nice release cowardheart!




Why? Because it is similar to the Arabic words 'Daes', 'one who crushes something underfoot' and 'Dahes', translated as 'one who sows discord'. 
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