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Transport Module

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Does anyone else have a problem whereby if you use the transport module and board a helo, you cannot issue any commands until you have selected the unload location? This behaviour even stops you zooming your map out so that it takes ages to scroll to the location you want to go to.  This bring three further complications - 1) after a period of time (seems to vary but around 30 seconds on average) you get thrown out of the helicopter - usually before you have scrolled to the locatoin 2) You cannot call AI to get on board if you are group leader, so you need to remember to get them to board BEFORE you do (and the helo does not wait around forever). 3) If you get shot whilst in the helicopter then your game is pretty much goosed as your menu and cross hair will permanently stuck on trying to select an unload point, which you cant do as you are not IN the helo anymore, nor can you use the menu to get back in either. This behaviour continues after respawn too - so the only option seems to be to leave the game.

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