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respawnTemplatesWest not working (Eden Editor)

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After creating a whole new scenerio in the new eden editor, my respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuPosition","Revive"}; is no longer functioning...

When i respawn, i respawn randomly on one of the respawn_west_x markers.

But i no longer am presented the Window where i can choose my location.

If i load my old mission in that uses the same description.ext and same markers+names, it works without any issue.


So whats going one here?







The build in revive system also no longer works.

I die instandly instead of bleeding out.

Edited by blackshad0w

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So i fixed this issue after many hours by removing:

respawn = 3;

respawnDelay = 5;

respawnOnStart = 1;

respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuPosition","Revive"};

reviveDelay = 6;

reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;

reviveForceRespawnDelay = 5;

respawnVehicleDelay = 5;

respawnDialog = 0;

from the description.ext and set the attributes in Eden editor itself.

When reloading the mission in the editor it did not save the Attributes so everytime you reload the mission to edit something do not forget

to SET the spawn/revive attributes again before saving and uploading to the server.

I no longer have the Seagul issue this way, and the respawn window also appears again.

I do however get a script error when the game loads, and it is vanilla related (Something for the Devs to look @)

'... "bis_revive_disableRevive", false] || {|#|BIS_RESPAWN_ON_START && {isnil"bis_revi..'}

Error unidentified variable in expression: bis_respawn_on_start

File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveOnPlayerKilled.sqf, Line 17

So i included:

respawnOnStart = 1;

respawnButton = 1;

in the description.ext because the EDEN respawnOnStart did not work.

Also i had to forcibly enable respawnButton = 1; in the .ext, because the EDEN option seemed to be ignored by the game.

This way everything is working as it should, and im able to JIP select a spawn position and do mah thing :)

Nvm: after some extensive testing i still get the Seagul, with Vanilla error:

_text = player;

_Colorid = _this #param [1,0,[0]];

missionamespace setvar

file a3\functions_f\respawn\fn_respawnCounter.sqf, line 35

Error Type object, Expected number

But my respawn dialog and blledout finally work again :)

So to the Devs! Work magic ^^

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After the last patch, the Revive systems seems broken again.

If i die i instandly respawn.

Also the EDEN editor still does not load up saved Atributes when reloading a mission file in it.

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'... "bis_revive_disableRevive", false] || {|#|BIS_RESPAWN_ON_START && {isnil"bis_revi..'}

Error unidentified variable in expression: bis_respawn_on_start

File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveOnPlayerKilled.sqf, Line 17


I have the same issues as you, even after the latest hotfix today.  I am running version 1.56.134787



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Yeah this seems to be broken. Would be nice if the doco on getting this working was a little easier to find.



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It appears even with update 1.60 that you cannot have both 'Revive' and 'Select respawn positionmultiplayer rulesets functioning at the same time by selecting corresponding checkboxes in Eden editor Attributes > Multiplayer > Respawn using the option 'Respawn on Custom Position'.


Anyone else still having the same issue ?



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It appears even with update 1.60 that you cannot have both 'Revive' and 'Select respawn positionmultiplayer rulesets functioning at the same time


Found the answer here and edited description.ext accordingly, leaving respawn attributes un-checked in Eden editor.

respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 6;
respawnDialog = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Revive"};
respawnOnStart = -1;


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