Persian MO 82 Posted February 26, 2016 Somebody help me out! I have some coop missions, made with eden editor, working fine in single and mp but in dedicated server it not working and give a massage : Error loading mission mission.sqm start part version=51; class EditorData { moveGridStep=1; angleGridStep=0.2617994; scaleGridStep=1; autoGroupingDist=10; toggles=1; class ItemIDProvider { nextID=330; }; class MarkerIDProvider { nextID=5; }; class Camera { pos[]={8995.168,510.11157,4492.0781}; dir[]={-0.038728673,-0.44688043,0.89375693}; up[]={-0.01934625,0.894593,0.44646192}; aside[]={0.99906343,2.8471732e-008,0.04329161}; }; }; binarizationWanted=0; addons[]= { "A3_Characters_F_Civil", "a3_characters_f", "rhsusf_c_troops", "rhsusf_c_hmmwv", "rhsusf_vehicles", "rhsusf_c_fmtv", "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", "A3_Soft_F_Gamma_Offroad", "a3_soft_f_offroad_01", "A3_Soft_F_Truck", "A3_Characters_F_Gamma", "CUP_Weapons_AmmoBoxes", "RHS_US_A2_AirImport", "rhsusf_c_m113", "A3_Modules_F_Curator_Intel", "rhs_cti_insurgents", "A3_Modules_F_Events" }; randomSeed=9719272; class ScenarioData { onLoadMission="Act like a rebel"; respawn=5; class Header { gameType="Coop"; minPlayers=1; maxPlayers=15; }; wreckManagerMode="AddAll"; wreckLimit=5; wreckRemovalMinTime=130; wreckRemovalMaxTime=180; corpseManagerMode="AddAll"; corpseLimit=10; corpseRemovalMinTime=130; corpseRemovalMaxTime=180; }; class CustomAttributes { class Category0 { name="Multiplayer"; class Attribute0 { property="RespawnTemplates"; expression="true"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "ARRAY" }; }; class value { items=2; class Item0 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="EndMission"; }; }; class Item1 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="SwitchPlayer"; }; }; }; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="RespawnButton"; expression="true"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; }; nAttributes=2; }; class Category1 { name="Scenario"; class Attribute0 { property="EnableDebugConsole"; expression="true"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; nAttributes=1; }; }; description.ext onLoadIntroTime=true; onLoadMissionTime=true; RESPAWN = 4; respawnTemplates[] = {"Spectator"}; author = Persian MO; onLoadName = taki rebels; class RscTitles { #include "ais_injury\dialogs\rscTitlesAIS.hpp" }; class CfgFunctions { #include "ais_injury\cfgFunctionsAIS.hpp" }; //task taskManagement_markers3D = 1; taskManagement_markers2D = 1; //0: do not use new 2D markers (default), 1: replace task markers with new 2D markers taskManagement_propagate = 1; //0: do not propagate (default), 1: propagate shared tasks to subordinates taskManagement_drawDist = 20000; //3D marker draw distance as UNASSIGNED (default: 2000) class CfgTaskEnhancements { enable = 1; //0: disable new task features (default), 1: enable new task features & add new task markers and task widgets into the map 3d = 1; //0: do not use new 3D markers (default), 1: replace task waypoints with new 3D markers 3dDrawDist = 20000; //3d marker draw distance (default: 2000) share = 1; //0: do not count assigned players (default), 1: count how many players have the task assigned propagate = 1; //0: do not propagate (default), 1: propagate shared tasks to subordinates }; init.sqf if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then {waitUntil {player == player};}; // Player sync enablesaving [false, false]; //task force radio tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true; TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = false; tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true; waitUntil {!isNull player && {time > 3}};//JIP //medic if (!isDedicated) then { TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; {[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (if (isMultiplayer) then {playableUnits} else {switchableUnits}); // execute for every playable unit }; initplayerlocal.sqf enableSentences false; player disableConversation true; player setSpeaker "NoVoice"; player addAction ["Weapon on back", {if (currentWeapon player == "") then {player action ['SwitchWeapon', player, player, 0]; } else { player action ['SwitchWeapon', player, player, 100];};},[], 1.5, false]; initserver.sqf //task [Independent,["task1"],["Set a <marker name='ambushmrk'>Ambush</marker> against NATO patrol.","Ambush NATO","ambushmrk"],"ambushmrk",true,2,true,"A",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [Independent,["task2"],["Take control the <marker name='townmrk'>Town</marker> . Eliminate local fighters.","Capture Town","townmrk"],"townmrk",true,2,true,"B",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [Independent,["task3"],["Hold and defend the <marker name='townmrk1'>Town</marker> against AAF forces.","Hold Town","townmrk1"],"townmrk1",true,2,true,"C",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [Independent,["task4"],["Attack to rest <marker name='restmrk'>NATO</marker> forces . Eliminate all enemy groups.","Destroy Rest","restmrk"],"restmrk",true,2,true,"D",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [] spawn { while {true} do { { if ( side _x == West) then { if (_x isKindOf "Man") then { _x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_damage = (_this select 2)*2; _damage}]; }; }; }forEach allUnits; sleep 10; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirWolf 0 Posted April 2, 2016 Try the most basic things like re-compiling the mission from the editor, and also try running it LAN on a server then if that works try using it over the internet. Also double check if you are hosting the server correctly, (If your hosting it yourself, make sure the port for arma 3 is open on your internet.) If you are paying for someone else to host the server for you like then try reinstalling the mission on that. Sometimes asking for higher priority on the servers (Only when paying for servers.) can help, if there is an option of course, but it will also cost you a bit more money. It's probably easier to just reinstall the server if its not working when you try hosting it, close the port, then re-open it, try everything you can. Hope this helps! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3vo 2654 Posted April 3, 2016 author = Persian MO; onLoadName = taki rebels; Both values should be type STRING, not sure if it's causing the issues you have,though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites