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Launcher Server Browser Join Issue

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I am attempting to join a server through the server browser in the launcher after they pointed the steam workshop id's to the meta.cpp as instructed in the "How to enable Steam Workshop support in Server Browser" page. When doing so the loading bar is never ending. Before when the mods had no meta.cpp the load time was fine. Is this a common issue? Is there a solution? 


Edit 1:I did find out the cause is HLC AK Pack. Which doesn't make since because i am using the same format with everything else.

Edit 2: As well as for the FHQ Weapons and Firearms

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I'm in your exact situation. HLC AK also causes infinite loading for my server. All other mods are recognized by the meta.cpp...

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could you please send us info about the server you are trying to join, something like na IP Address or webpage of the server?


EDIT: Also please include info about mods that your are using (link to the steam workshop will do).


Thank you

Edited by razazel

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I'm hosting my own server, which isn't on all the time (try server.armasweden.se if it's up). I narrowed the mods down to only HLC Core and HLC AK, but it still doesn't work. It's HLC AK that gives the infinite loading screen when clicking "More details..." on the server mods.


meta.cpp for HLC Core:

protocol = 1;
publishedid = 286800413;

meta.cpp for HLC AK:

protocol = 1;
publishedid = 286785370;

Maybe it's worth knowing I'm running on Ubuntu.


EDIT: When I put the HLC Core meta.cpp into the HLC AK mod, the Launcher recognizes the mod as HLC Core. I hope that gives you any ideas.

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Since HLC was updated to NIArms, I just tried with NIArms AK Rifles, but the publishedid of that mod causes the same infinite loading screen. I have even tried loading an empty mod with just the meta.cpp and the publishedid for NIArms AK Rifles, but that does not work either. Have anyone got this working on a Windows dedicated server? I'm only able to test on Linux.

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