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I'm having a problem with this:

call {
if (ReinforcementEnable == 1) exitWith {
removeAllActions player;
player addAction["Chopper Reinforcement", "chopperreinforcement.sqf"];};

if (ReinforcementEnable == 0) exitWith {
removeAllActions player;
player addAction["Paradrop Reinforcement", "paradropreinforcement.sqf"];};

is that right??

the addAction is not showing up in the scroll menu,

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Depends on where you are executing this and if the reinforcement variable exists before you call it.

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Please read this documentation page: addAction


As you can see, addAction is a local command. It will only add an action item to the player on the machine where the command is executed. If you are struggling with the concept of locality, please have a look here: Locality in Multiplayer


If executing this command on the server, I recommend you try the following snippet:

// Server-side code

{player addAction ["Chopper Reinforcement","chopperreinforcement.sqf"];} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call", 0]; // calls above code on all clients

Code not tested


Here is the link to the remoteExec documentation.



Hope that helps,


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I'm having a problem with this:

call {

if (ReinforcementEnable == 1) exitWith {

removeAllActions player;

player addAction["Chopper Reinforcement", "chopperreinforcement.sqf"];};

if (ReinforcementEnable == 0) exitWith {

removeAllActions player;

player addAction["Paradrop Reinforcement", "paradropreinforcement.sqf"];};


is that right??

the addAction is not showing up in the scroll menu,


if ReinforcementEnable is undefined nothing will show. Use -showScriptErrors startup param

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if ReinforcementEnable is undefined nothing will show. Use -showScriptErrors startup param

with this command I managed to find my mistake .. thanks guys !!

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