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map real world map build...

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 I have been working on a real world map that need to have details as hills are impotent and water ways.


now the size after lot of testing in A2 visitor, not finding right detail, moving with  terrain builder a3 standards.


 first for map area  Topography drag is The selection area is approximately 4,225 km2.




so now what best for size try to get a good square selection it keep give me odd size, right now 1134X699 for tif.


now it need to get crop.


 second size of 1024x1024 x 3 cell for build like to know if this is sound?



 like to see if the math sound right for this?

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RoF that great help.


look like from chart it 4096 Cell size 20.


cell size ts the detail?


 is Stratis 4096 cell size 4 ?


real world small may be better, as a single player i like sand box play.

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 could cut size down to just smaller battle area. I like artillery so size matter for me,  detail is need. the little terrain features, if you are there ( i try to have  remember that little finger or rock formation with the beast of tracers over head, looking at shooting stars then finding it only artillery,  feel ).  

 what thinking of size to have this?

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