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trigger and classnames

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First of all, if this was already posted, I apologize.


Ok, here is the thing:


I'm trying to activate a trigger when a bodybag is created or it is present. But the problem with ace is the object called bodybag with a corpse in it, because it is created during the game session. The classname is "ACE_bodyBagObject". Like you know, we approach the body and use ace interaction key to put it on the bag. It's not possible to name it, so i can't say to the trigger when it should be activated.


So, to simplify, the question is: How can I activate a trigger with an object classname?? OR How can i put a name in this bodybag every time it spawns in game??


I really appreciate any help from you, guys.


And sorry if this is too noobish, but I'm new in coding.



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{typeOf _x == "ACE_bodyBagObject"} count thisList > 0

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Thank you very much, jshock!! Works like a charm!!!


And thanks for all the help you and others give to the "beginners" community. You all make this community better.

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