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So I have this idea but am not sure how to make it work.

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My idea is this:

1. All players are Independent.
2. Blu/Opf are ALiVE AI factions duking it out.
3. All players are by default independent from each other like normal Indy faction.
4. There is a zone on the map that periodically gets shelled by mortar/artillery fire kinda like a no mans zone in WW1.


I am curious how to make a zone with random Arty strikes that happen every 5 minutes or so. I tried MCC and saw a sexy Arty thing but not sure how to use it without MCC. I would like to have it do a Wide area strike with 82mm shells with each strike being ~40sec apart and the shelling to happen every 5min in the area marked on the map.

I want to make the area separate 2 sides of the map so, you would have to pass through it to get to the other side unless you go by sea or air.


The mission is a Wasteland mission using the A3 Wasteland base. If someone can suggest a better base that would still make the mission Wasteland-ish, that would be great.


What makes it Wasteland?


1. Grouping

2. Store system

3. Base building

4. Persistent via MySQL DB (or in my case MariaDB)

5. Factions

6. Random Missions that spawn that are available for all Player factions that drop rewards.



This mission will be using ACE3. I want to use Sarugao A3 but that terrain has not been indexed for ALiVE yet. So, I am looking at using Sahrani SMD A3.

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I am curious how to make a zone with random Arty strikes that happen every 5 minutes or so. I tried MCC and saw a sexy Arty thing but not sure how to use it without MCC. I would like to have it do a Wide area strike with 82mm shells with each strike being ~40sec apart and the shelling to happen every 5min in the area marked on the map.


This script is an old one of mine (really old, as in I was still using and SHK tag which I changed to JSHK as to not steal Shuko's thunder :P), but your're more than welcome to use it as a reference, should easily be "loopable" to fit your needs.

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