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disableCollisionWith and enableDamage not working

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Gday all,


I have the following script (extract) which is being run on an aircraft (_visualObj and _unitToTrack are both the same type of vehicle, _unitToTrack is occupied, _visualObj is empty)

   _visualObj disableCollisionWith _x;
} forEach allUnits;
 _visualObj disableCollisionWith _unitToTrack;
 _unitToTrack disableCollisionWith _visualObj;
 _unitToTrack allowDamage false;
 _visualObj allowDamage false;
_visualObj enableSimulation false; 
 _visualObj setPos _posToSet;

When _posToSet is near _unitToTrack, they are colliding and exploding, regardless of the fact that collisions and damage is disabled.

The command should work as I have tried walking through a plane on the ground with the above and it is all good, but when AI or myself flies with the above code, we still collider with the _visualObj.


1. Why is this occurring??

2. Is there a way around this?


It seems to be quite strange behaviour...

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I could be wrong but I think it's only for AI/players colliding with objects/vehicles, it's not for vehicle to vehicle or object to object type contacts

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Hmmm unfortunately it appears as though you are right.



indicated it was unexpected however you actually posted a bug tracker point in 2013


which was added changed to a feature request (within a month of posting) as disablecollision has no effect on physx objects. Unfortunately this doesnt appear to have been touched since.


It is counter intuitive as within the editor the syntax prompt remains "vehicle disableCollisionWith vehicle"


It appears that the only way to disable collisions between two physx objects is to attach them together... which is far from ideal...



The workaround I have currently just uses bounding box size and distance to avoid collisions with each other but it still means the _visualObj can collide with other objects.... Unless I check for anything in a radius I guess.




Not sure why they are still exploding on collision with enableDamage set to false though...?

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