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Eden / Arsenal Interaction issues

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Some issues I have found concerning the interaction between Arsenal and Eden:


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Your first ticket is a duplicate of http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=22291.

But none the less, I think yeah, in order to make arsenal more viable, this has to be added.

Yeah I only noticed the duplidate later, I usually search before posting a ticket but I had restricted searching to category "Eden Editor" :(

Send from my tablet, so pardon any autocorrect bollocks

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New issue I found: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27544


Basically, a unit that has a backack="XXX" config entry (Ammo Bearer, Engineer, Medic, etc) will always receive his specific configured backpack even if you remove it and replace it with a different pack in Arsenal. Furthermore, the Arsenal-configured backpack is obviously given to the unit but replaced by the Engineer/Medic/Ammo Bearer etc backpack afterwards, and just drops to the ground (you will find it lying at your feet on mission start)


This might be related to the scope=1 bug (because the pre-packaged backpacks are all scope=1) but I am not entirely sure, it might be simple initialization order.

Anyway, added it to the list in the first post.

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