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setVariable on Object and Player

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Hello BI Forum :)


I want to set a player specific Variable on every Object from the same Type. Can anyone help me ?

when i set the Variable i want to make a IF condition when the Player with the same Variable of the Object klick on a addaction.


but i dont know as i set the Variable on the Object :/


for example


every SUV_01_base_red_F setVariable "Playerid of the player he have spawnd the SUV";


if (playerid == playeridcar) then





pls help me :/



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Let's think you are spawning the vehicle on the client PC, ok?


After the createVehicle thing, put this:


_veh setVariable ["owner", getPlayerUID player,true]


Then, when you want to make the check, (I suppose in a GetIn eventHandler or something, but this example is simpler) you can do like this:


if (driver _veh != _veh getVariable "owner") then {moveOut driver _veh};

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wow thank you for the fast Help :)


thank you thank you

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Sorry sorry, I had a tipo.


The checking must be done this way:


if (getPlayerUID (driver _veh) != _veh getVariable "owner") then {moveOut driver _veh};

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I don't know the scope of use with this, but I do recommend a more unique variable name aside from "owner", as it's generic and could cause issues on a larger scale, especially if you use lots of other scripts/addons/mods. (It's a good coding convention too :p)

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@barbolani i have a new probleme i want to delete the Object when the object is near a place

i have made this but it dons´t perform


if(nearestObject [_veh, "verarbeiter_1"] && _veh getVariable "owner") then {
deleteVehicle _veh;

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