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avibird 1

Is this a bug that bohemia knows about while using the Virtual Arsenal ?

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I was adding regular blufor AA, engineer, MG and grenadier units to a blufor recon unit template for a mission. I used the the removeHeadgear this; and this addUniform ect commands to setup the units using recon uniforms. All good test playing my scenario and placed down a BIS in game Virtual Arsenal using this code 0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

When I want to use the Virtual Arsenal with the four guys I modified via editor they all lost their clothes and some of the items I added to them :rolleyes: LMFAO no big deal because the Virtual Arsenal was there to add back the items but WTF was that. Is this a bug that bohemia knows about or not.

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Nobody has seen this or knows about this issue?

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Wow my four guys keep losing their clothes I put on via code when I use the  BIS Arsenal.

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I export men from the arsenal to the map without losing anything.

Are you sure you are using the correct method?

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code 0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; into a init box of an ammo or weapon box.
The only thing I'm doing is removing uniform and weapons of a unit through the editor and giving them different uniforms and weapons. then in game if you have an arsenal if you go to use it to all the clothes that you just put on gets removed. Very strange. I don't use the arsenals during an actual mission only for test playing but still want to figure this out.

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This is causing by unit editor  init field and a command there removing stuff. If any playable unit executed own init field, everybody doing  it.


You need to use initPlayerLocal.sqf to separate this. Use condition for example:

if ((typeOf player) == "B_Soldier_SL_F") then  {

//do stuff only for  squad leader

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Hey davidoss thanks for the reply at at least I know I'm not crazy now but I really don't fully understand what you are saying. The four units that I modify the uniforms through the editor are not the team leader of the playable group of units. I don't see how making a change in the unit init field via editor would cause that to happen but I am trying brother lol.

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Seeing that you created the men in the arsenal, why would you change their uniforms in the editor?

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I never said I created the units from the arsenal lol how would one even do that?

For a mission from the editor I made a group of blufor recon units all playable however the recon units does not have a AA, engineer, MG or grenadier unit class. So from the editor using simple command codes I removed uniforms from the regular blufor units and added recon uniforms and additional weapon loadouts that I wanted them to have.

As I was testing a mission for balance unit reaction ect I had a BIS arsenal on the map to test play the amount of ammo and weapons that the mission would need to play out balanced. When I want to the arsenal that was called up by code in a regular ammo box the four units that I put into recon uniforms all lost their clothes when I entered into the arsenal with those units.

I don't know where you got that I made the units from the arsenal. What i said was it was not a big deal because I just put them back into the uniforms from the arsenal.

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This is causing by unit editor  init field and a command there removing stuff. If any playable unit executed own init field, everybody doing  it.


You need to use initPlayerLocal.sqf to separate this. Use condition for example:

if ((typeOf player) == "B_Soldier_SL_F") then  {

//do stuff only for  squad leader

Don't think is that because he's talking about "removeHeadgear this" etc.. which means he's doing on units init field, so it won't cause the problem you mention (which happens if you do it, for example in init.sqf and some player JIPs)


Maybe the problema is from where are you calling the Arsenal init. The line code seems ok, but, from where are you calling this?

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I am calling it from in game from an init ammo crate box.

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Not sure it will solve the issue, but you could try this.


Name a variable for the ammobox, let's say "ammobox" in his init.


In init.sqf: if (isServer) then {["AmmoboxInit",[ammobox,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal};

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