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Calling a script just once on server?

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I have this script, called from the init.sqf with

execVM "intelmover.sqf";

The script moves (attaches) an editor placed intel document to one of 10 editor placed tables, but I have a feeling that in a multiplayer game when each player joins, the intel would be moved to another table, is this the case?

_table = [table1,table2,table3,table4,table5,table6,table7,table8,table9,table10];

_randPos = _table call bis_fnc_selectrandom; 

intel1 attachTo [_randPos,[0,0,0.43]];

How would I ensure that the script is only called once at the beginning of the mission? Any help would be appreciated.


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create a file in the mission root called initServer.sqf and put it in there

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Thanks for the quick reply both of you, so to clarify, would I put the call line in the initServer.sqf or add the If (isserver) then {execVM " bla"}   around the call in the init.sqf or would either option work?

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both works.

the only difference is that in method 1 you paste the if(isserver) then { execVM "bla"} in it and it filters out the clients. and with the other method you create a initserver.sqf and just paste execVM "bla" this script is only executed by the server.

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