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Help With Choosing A Random Variable (BIS_fnc_selectRandom)

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Hello BIS Forums,


I am working on a mission which involves a cool chase scene, and to put in a "randomness" factor, I have recorded 3 different paths the AI can take.


The paths work, but for some reason, the script I am using to choose the random path isn't really working.


Here it is:

_poi = _this select 0;

_randomMovement = ["pursuitPath1","pursuitPath2","pursuitPath3"]; 

_dataPath = _randomMovement call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

hint format ["The path will be: %1",_dataPath];

sleep 0.5; // The script works up until here..

if (_dataPath == pursuitPath1) then 
	hint "good";
	_pursuit1 = [_poi] execVM "path\play.sqf"; // play, play3 and play4 are the files that make the AI follow the path, they all work when I execute them through the debug console or by trigger.
	waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit1}; 
	terminate _pursuit1;

if (_dataPath == pursuitPath2) then 
	hint "bueno";
	_pursuit2 = [_poi] execVM "path\play3.sqf";
	waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit2};
	terminate _pursuit2;

if (_dataPath == pursuitPath3) then 
	hint "gut";
	_pursuit3 = [_poi] execVM "path\play4.sqf";
	waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit3};
	terminate _pursuit3;

I am still learning the basics and everything there is to scripting, so bear with me if I made a simple error.  I believe it has to do with the condition with the if statement, however, I am not sure what to do and google has failed me in this endeavor.


If there is any help you all can offer it will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks all : )

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_randomMovement = ["pursuitPath1","pursuitPath2","pursuitPath3"]; 

_dataPath = _randomMovement call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

is the same as

_dataPath = ["pursuitPath1","pursuitPath2","pursuitPath3"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

Bad syntax

_dataPath == pursuitPath1

should be

_dataPath == "pursuitPath1"

for each if

waitUntil {sleep 1; scriptDone _pursuit1};

use some sleep inside waituntil  if the whole code is running in scheduled environment otherwise it will be check the condition on eachframe ~60x/s

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Thanks for the reply!


I changed what you had suggested and it works beautifully.


Once again, thanks for your assistance and tips regarding syntax.

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You could boil all that down to just

_poi = _this select 0;

_dataPath = ["play","play3","play4"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

hint format ["The path will be: %1",_dataPath];

sleep 0.5;

_pursuit = [_poi] execVM format[ "path\%1.sqf", _dataPath ];
waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit};
If a script is done then there is no need to terminate it.

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You could boil all that down to just

_poi = _this select 0;

_dataPath = ["play","play3","play4"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

hint format ["The path will be: %1",_dataPath];

sleep 0.5;

_pursuit = [_poi] execVM format[ "path\%1.sqf", _dataPath ];
waitUntil {scriptDone _pursuit};
If a script is done then there is no need to terminate it.


Here comes The Larrow. :D

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