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16 Air Assault Brigade | British Milsim

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The 16 Air Assault Brigade is looking for mature individuals who are interested in joining a community based around teamwork, communication and real-world tactics. We run 3 hour operations every Wednesday and Sunday from 8 pm to 11 pm UK time.



About us

The 16 Air Assault Brigade is a multinational Arma 3 milsim community; a gaming community which looks to implement real world organisation, communication and tactics into ArmA 3. Our Structure, organisation and tactics are based off the British Army's 16 Air Assault Brigade and we strive for a high level of realism and immersion. To accomplish this our 40+ members run an infantry platoon supported by medics, heavy weapons and aircraft every Wednesday and Sunday. Members are encouraged to join our supporting arms, whether as a medic, pilot, mortarman or heavy weapons specialist but it is important to note that everyone is a rifleman first. From the Major, right down to the newest recruit.


Success and Stability


Success and stability characterise The 16 Air Assault Brigade, which has existed continuously since 2005. This is enabled by our hardworking and dedicated community who strive to maintain the consistency and quality which we are known for. Every member is valuable, and we take great care to develop our members, giving them the tools to maintain and extended the high standards of the community, long after the original membership has moved on. This allows The 16 Air Assault Brigade to run seamlessly, despite changes which can damage other communities.




Due to our standards we do have some requirements. You must be 18 years old or older, have a working microphone and be able to regularly attend operations on Wednesday and Sunday from 8 pm to 11 pm UK time. Additionally, we do not allow our members to be in any other ArmA milsim communities, this is because we expect a high level of commitment from all our members. You can be in as many non-milsim/non-Arma communities as you like, so long as they don't interfere with your commitment to The 16 Air Assault Brigade. If you are in doubt about any of our rules, please feel free to ask a question to myself or another member of our team. Contact details bellow.


If you feel you’d be a good fit for the The 16 Air Assault Brigade, you can join by heading over to our website and filling in an application form. Your application will then be read by a member of our team and you will be invited for a short interview within 24 hours. This gives us an opportunity to get to know each other, and make sure the The 16 Air Assault Brigade is a good fit for you, and you a good fit for it. Once accepted you are considered a full member of the community, entering as a recruit until passing our phase one training. During this time, you will attend operations under the supervision of a senior private.


Contact Us


Please do contact us if you have any questions about joining or being a member of The 16 Air Assault Brigade. Join us on Teamspeak ( ts.16aa.net:9987) or post a question on our forum: 16AA.net.


We look forward to seeing you soon.







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January - March 2016 Update


OPERATION AEGIS - A Company deploy to the Greek Island of Lemnos as part of a NATO commitment to increase readiness in the area and to prevent aggressive expansion by the Russian government. A significant portion of the island was turned into a NATO training area and extensive use was made of this. However, intelligence reports indicated that the Russians wanted to show their strength and it appeared that Lemnos was their intended target. A Company prepared to defend against any invasion. 


The tragic civil war in Syria and the rise of the terrorist group 'Divine State' from the ashes of conflict and sectarianism in Syria and Iraq have created untold human suffering. Refugees fleeing the conflict represent the largest movement of population since the second world war. As politicians in Europe and the United States debate the merits of a sustained air campaign against Divine State, direct military intervention by Russia to prop up the beleaguered Syrian State shocks the world. The Russian buildup is rapid and well planned, with elite ground troops securing airbases at LATAKIA and KHMEIMIM. Significant redeployments of Russian Navy assets are also underway in order to secure vital supply lines to those locations.

In the UK, whilst Parliament debates proposals for RAF air strikes in Syria itself, separate plans are drawn up as contingency against further unexpected acts of aggression by the Russian Federation. Mindful of recent Russian tendency to establish facts on the ground before any negotiation NATO has agreed to a limited mobilisation and in the UK preparations are made to move elements of the newly formed Rapid Reaction Brigade forward to near-theatre training areas. The majority of UKTF 'AEGIS' will be located on CYPRUS in vicinity RAF AKROTIRI, with other elements tasked to training and humanitarian operations across the southern and eastern islands of the Greek Archipelago in the Aegean Sea. 2 PARA have been deployed as part of NATO TASKFORCE AEGIS and are based at NATO facilities on KRATIKOS AIRFIELD. A significant section of north-west LIMNOS has been designated as a Military Training Area in order to enable live-fire training for elements of the UK Taskforce.







A Company form up and receive orders before stepping off.




Paratroopers from ACOY, 1 Platoon begin to board into Chinooks on operation Aegis.


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April 2016 Update


OPERATION PERSEUS - A Company is re-tasked with taking on the role of 1 PARA as part of UKSF SG following an DS attack on a Mediterranean holiday resort.  After a very brief workup period to get into the new role, A Company, allegedly supported by an Allied power, allegedly carried out an air assault on Poquerelles' Western Beaches and allegedly spent the night patrolling East hitting DS targets and rescuing hostages in Platoon sized attacks, clearing the last of the DS strongholds before allegedly returning to their offshore base before dawn. 


French Military and DGSE reports state that as at 2 hours ago a significant armed force claiming links to the so-called Divine State has seized the French costal island resort of POQUERELLES. Landing from a series of small boats assessed to have their origins in LIBYA the heavily armed militants appear to have quickly overwhelmed local law-enforcement and have set about securing the small island and rounding up hostages. The militants have refused all contact with the French Authorities but have posted a chilling video on the internet where they have threatened to kill hostages if any attempt is made to interfere in what they describe as the historic creation of the first European branch of the Divine State. The situation on POQUERELLES remains fluid. Initial French assessment is that up to 100 armed militants have already managed to land. French Naval assets are urgently seeking to establish an effective blockade. Although the militants appear to have moved to sever all but a very few internet access point the proximity to the French mainland means that civilians in hiding have taken to communicating with family, friends and the authorities via mobile telephones. It is clear that time is running out as the militants systematically search the island and establish themselves to resist any attempt to free the hostages. 




Reports are emerging that a large group of militants linked to so-called Divine State is claiming responsibility for the ongoing terrorist attack on the Southern French holiday resort of Poquerolles. Speaking in a video posted on the internet a man claiming to be the spokesman for the Divine State in Libya said that the group had now established their first European protectorate and that any attempts to remove them would be met by force. In a chilling postscript a second video purporting to have been shot in the immediate aftermath of the attack has emerged in which a militant is shown telling a group of male hostages that they will be given the choice to pledge allegiance to Divine State or die. Whilst details of this morning's attack are still emerging it is clear that a substantial and heavily armed group of militants apparently using commercial fishing vessels as cover managed to evade detection by EU and US navy units as they crossed from Libya to make their assault in Europe.




UKSF Members form up and prepare to step off.




UKSF Members are briefed aboard a ship.




UKSF Members operating under the cover of darkness after being dropped off by a Merlin helicopter. 

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May 2016 Update


OPERATION HERACLES - Across TAKISTAN a renewed Takiban offensive in the wake of ISAF withdrawals appears aimed at destabilising the country and unseating the Government of National Unity. KUNDUZ VALLEY is on the front line. Despite heavy fighting in early 2015 during which UK troops deployed as part of ISAF operation CERBERUS successfully dismantled major insurgent networks ISAF J2 assess that recent attacks on TNA garrisons indicate an increasing insurgent presence in the green zone.


2UP: ISAF HQ intent is to surge UK ground forces into KUNDUZ VALLEY in order to maintain local security and prevent insurgent networks from reestablishing dominance of the AO.

1UP: UKTF HERACLES will conduct COIN operations to identify, disrupt and degrade insurgent formations operating in KUNDUZ VALLEY.


The KUNDUZ River is bordered by irrigated farmland on the eastern and western banks forming a 'green zone' sandwiches between areas of high desert. See ISTAR imagery to follow. CHAHAR DARA is a moderately sized settlement which sits on the desert plateau above the KUNDUZ VALLEY green zone. Consisting of around a dozen large compounds each occupied by multiple families, CHAHAR DARA is an ancient trading settlement and boasts a single large defensible Qualat tower to the south east as well as a large and well maintained mosque which is centrally located. To the west the desert rises gently in a series of rocky rises before reaching up to form the steep valley sides. PB CHURCHILL is situated on the largest of These rocky rises and, with the addition of FSG HILL to the north it affords excellent observation over the settlement and local road network and CHAHAR DARA settlement




Section members utilising the use of IR's with NVG equipment to ensure they are PID'd.




ACOY, 2PARA form up and are briefed on the upcoming operation in the Kunduz province.




Section members prepare to step off.




MSP covering Ridgebacks as they leave the forward operating base.




MSP utilise a destroyed building as cover to overwatch a valley.




A section DMR opening fire on enemy with the L129A1 Sharpshooter weapon system.




MSP mid firefight engage enemy sighted in fields.




Here is an MSP member using the GPMG SF while on stag.

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October 2016 Update


OPERATION EPHESUS - ISAF HQ has determined that it is necessary to increase available combat power in the southern border province of Takistan in order to free up sufficient troops to conduct deeper sweeps into enemy held territory and to disrupt the flow of fighters, weapons and ammunition to front line Takiban units currently pressurising the Takistani Army in major population centres to the north.


October 2016. The striking success of a renewed Takiban offensive has forced a reluctant response from ISAF partners. In the south, Takiban forces have moved down from the mountainous border provinces to threaten major population centres. Emboldened by these successes a rich stream of recruits is swelling the ranks of the insurgency. This appeal has grown as hard-line elements of the Takiban leadership have publicly aligned with the so-called 'Divine State'.


Troops of the US 10th Mountain Division have recently deployed across the southern border province in order to re-establish dominance over this historic Takiban stronghold. Early reports indicate that they have encountered significant resistance as local Takiban commanders have sought to maintain their access to training camps and weapons stocks held in the deep valleys.


Initial US efforts have focused on re-occupying a chain of FOBs and associated Support and Patrol Bases. Fierce Takiban resistance, including small arms, RPGs, mounted weapons and IEDs, has all but contained US forces in these locations. ISAF HQ has determined that it is necessary to increase available combat power in the southern border province in order to free up sufficient troops to conduct deeper sweeps into enemy held territory and to disrupt the flow of fighters, weapons and ammunition to front line Takiban units currently pressurising the Takistani Army in major population centres to the north.


The southern border province of Takistan consists of high jagged peaks and remote valleys. Population is sparse and largely confined to lower altitudes where the people earn their living through a combination of livestock, small scale farming and trade. The border area with neighbouring Bakistan has few passable roads and has been a focus of smuggling activity for centuries. These days a southward flow of opium, silver and lapis lazuli has been exchanged for a northern flow of fighters returning from rest periods in Bakistan, bringing with them stocks of weapons and new recruits to join the renewed offensive.


ISAF Forces have re-occupied a chain of defended locations stretching roughly east to west along the border region and sited to control major access routes and population centres. ISAF HQ has determined that Troops of the US 10th Mountain Division will shortly redeploy to concentrate their main force against enemy elements operating west of the Hysad Valley area. UKF will assume responsibility for a cluster of villages in the eastern zone which are dominated by two purpose-built locations. Support Base MIKE 2 is located 2km inside Takistan on an ancillary border route and has been used as an artillery platform, radio relay and staging area for foot patrols. Forward Operating Base KINNO is a more substantial location positioned to control movement across a deep and steep sided valley network in the heart of Takiban territory.


Immediately across the Bakistan border ISAF has secured exclusive use of the former Bakistani Army Airbase at [#########]




ACOY Form up in herring bones awaiting brief by TAC HQ.




The company sniper acting as rear man of the platoon as they patrol the valleys of Afghanistan.




ACOY patrol under the cover of darkness.




Company sniper attached to MSP on stag.

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April 2017 Update


OPERATION COBALT - Criminal militias, allegedly being backed by DS loyal African splinter groups and a disaffected local population, are causing trouble on the West African island of Bioko. Their objective seems to be the removal of western interference in the mineral exploitation of the island’s resources and a very secondary consideration is the expansion of the Islamic Caliphate into a country bereft of a credible armed resistance.

The island is currently secured by local police forces and by The East Indiana Trading Company's security personnel however as EITC pay the police to provide additional security instead of letting them do their jobs, lawlessness on the island is at an all time high and trouble is escalating.

Helmet Footage from Lt Millar, IC 1 Platoon, A Coy.





The 16AA is currently looking for INFANTRY. We are looking to bolster our infantry sections with dedicated members who are interested in being the tip of the sword for the battalion, digging in on the front lines, kicking in doors and getting in the enemy’s face.


You'll receive extensive training as an infantryman, and will get the chance to specialise within your assigned section, taking on roles including pointman, light machine gunner, AT rifleman, combat team medic or marksman.


There are also a few spaces available in our supporting elements. If you do have a special interest, please talk to us about it and we'll let you know what your options are.

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May 2017 Update


OPERATION COBALT - Criminal militias, allegedly being backed by DS loyal African splinter groups and a disaffected local population, are causing trouble on the West African island of Bioko. Their objective seems to be the removal of western interference in the mineral exploitation of the island’s resources and a very secondary consideration is the expansion of the Islamic Caliphate into a country bereft of a credible armed resistance. The island is currently secured by local police forces and by The East Indiana Trading Company's security personnel however as EITC pay the police to provide additional security instead of letting them do their jobs, lawlessness on the island is at an all time high and trouble is escalating. 16AA is on standby to intervene at the request of the Equatorial Guinean government.




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June 2017 Update


SCBC - The 16AA Section Commander's Battle Course is an intensive 2 week course to teach experienced privates all the skills they will need to lead a section of troops on the battlefield. 


We concentrate on Section Battle Drills and apply them in a multitude of different environments and situations. The successful candidates then become eligible for promotion to JNCO ranks within the unit. 



OPERATION ARTEMIS - A Coy deploys to Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Waziristan in order to undertake Counter Insurgency Operations as part of a US-led multi national task force.


Elements of the company will be air lifted by US air assets to FOB Khassadar. Upon arrival at FOB Khassadar the Company shall receive a full J2 brief from US intelligence officers. This shall be followed by a safety brief from US aircrews in relation to CASEVAC procedures. Finally the Coy is to conduct a dominance patrol through the town of Sirak (061057) and the waddy area adjacent to the town.





ACOY is briefed by US Forces for Operation Artemis.




Sections begin to form up in herring bones before boarding.




ACOY 1 Platoon begins to make their way to the chinooks.




Two members of MSP sit on a rooftop using the GPMG (Left) and the L129A1 (Right) to cover friendly forces.

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December 2017 Update


This month we are proud to present our 2017 Milsim Group recruiting video. Check it out!



OPERATION WATCHTOWER -  16AA steps back in time to 1942.  With the Japanese Empire at its peak following a series of victories Allied forces are about to embark on the first major offensive of the war in the Pacific. Operation WATCHTOWER is the code name for the Allied invasion of the Solomon Islands, being undertaken to prevent Japanese forces from establishing an airfield there from which to threaten Allied shipping.


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January / February 2018 Update


OPERATION CHROMITE - A Company take over from the Yorkshire Regiment on a tour of duty in Takistan.


TAKISTAN is a mostly arid, mountainous country in Central Asia with a few pockets of fertile faming land. Towns and villages are scattered across the country and most are full of buildings typical of the region.  The road network is basic but improving but most routes are still dirt tracks. There is a desert region to the south. The Coy will be based in FOB CARPENTER, located in the town of FEREZ ABED with satellite PBs in the towns surrounding. 1 Platoon to the south of FEREZ ABED, 2 Platoon around the RAMSAN AIRBASE and 3 Platoon in reserve at RAF (TBC) LOY MANARA. The COIN operation in TAKISTAN continues with 2 PARA taking over from The Yorkshire Regt. The insurgency is on the back foot and the local population is generally neutral towards our forces due to hard work by the preceding battalions both Dutch and British. Popular support for the insurgency has evaporated due to that hard work and to atrocities carried out by the insurgency in the past few years. BDE HQ would like that situation to continue and for 2 PARA to be there when the insurgency in TAKISTAN is defeated. 

CIVPOP: The population throughout the AO is friendly to neutral. The Yorkshires carried on the good work of their Dutch predecessors and the hearts and minds policy has been paying off. Attacks are down and are less serious when they do happen. Information is coming in much more readily too.  

HUMINT: The TNP has access to a number of HUMINT sources at a local and provincial level and information frequently filters down to the brigade cells allowing us to plan searches and raids. It can't be stressed enough that careful treatment of the local populace has brought us to this point. Long may it continue.




March 2018 Update


OPERATION UTES FREEDOM - Russian airborne forces have taken the strategically vital island of UTES in an AIR ASSAULT at probably company strength. They have begun digging in while waiting for their heavy equipment to arrive by ship which is en-route now. 2 x IL-76 airframes landed there 6 hours after the assault and delivered probably 2 but possibly 3 ZSU23-4 AAA systems. Turkish Air Forces scrambled and provided a CAP to prevent further air reinforcement, turning back a half dozen further transport aircraft and their escorts in the process. The Navy has now established CAP over the island and has begun preparatory bombardment using NGS and air attack. 


UTES is a small island off the coast of CHERNARUS. It has a rocky coastline with a number of small sandy beaches to the north and east. There is a small central airfield and a small dock on the northern shore. 


Phase 1. Amphibious assault. Able Company will form up to attack the island. Able 1 will assault Beach Red One in the South East. Able 2 will assault the northern shore at Kamenyy. Able 3 will stand by on Khe Sahn to conduct Air Assault once AAA has been confirmed destroyed. GUNFIGHTER will provide fires onto the high ground on ABLE ONE's left flank. 


Phase 2. Able One will clear the beach and attack towards OBJ ALPHA (STRELKA) with GUNFIGHTER providing left flank security. Able Two will attack KAMENYY and set up defensive perimeter around dock facilities. 


Phase 3. With STRELKA and any supporting enemy positions destroyed Able One will regroup then attack towards OBJ BRAVO, the high ground overlooking the airfield from the west. GUNFIGHTER will remain on call to provide supporting fire via ABLE SIX ACTUAL. 


Phase 4. GUNFIGHTER will relocate to OBJ BRAVO and support ABLE ONE as they attack the airfield. 




UNIT UPDATE - 16AA is currently recruiting, we have roles available for Infantry sections, manoeuvre support platoon, Joint Helicopter Command and Close Support Medical Regiment. Want to be part of what we do? Apply to: https://16aa.net/

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OPERATION COBALT II - A Company returned to the jungles of Bioko in order to assist government forces dealing with Boko Haram backed rebels


ACoy saw action to the south of Malbo, fighting offensive actions to clear rebel forces from the areas around the capital. Suffering few casualties the men of ACoy 2ndBtn the Parachute Regiment inflicted significant damage on the rebels who are now retreating to the north. Men from the 1stBtn The Royal Anglians will continue the assault against the rebels whilst the men of ACoy take a well-earned rest.


The flight into the jungles of Bioko demonstrated the challenges posed to the men of ACoy



The jungles were not the only challenge. No bridges meant the men of ACoy were often forced to swim.


Elsewhere in the world. We are hearing reports that 1stBtn The Parachute Regiment has been deployed alongside their SAS counterparts in Mali. This is part of the ongoing Operation Apphia which aims to prevent further anti-government activity.

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16 Air Assault Brigade is currently deployed on






We are recruiting. Visit https://16aa.net for more information.

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For the next couple of weeks 16 Air Assault Brigade is conducting Home Rotation training back at Merville Barracks base.



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16 Air Assault Brigade is currently conducting OPERATION DUST DEVIL, being deployed to the country of Kujari, fighting against ISK (Islamic State of Kujari) militants trying to take over the country.



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16 Air Assault Brigade is currently conducting the Christmas Special Operation FREEBIRD, were we transport ourselves back in time to the Vietnam War.





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