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Strategic Map Module Zoom

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I'm having some problems with the Strategic Map Module. It's a small problem but an annoying one, when I open it on the Zargabad map it is zoomed all the way in to you can't see any of the map.


You can zoom out, and after that it works fine, but at first it is hard for a player to see that they need to do that as the screen is simply blank.


Is there a way to set the zoom level when the strategic map is first opened?


I can find no other posts talking about the opening setting of the strategic map and am at a loss as to why is is zoomed in so far. I don't have this problem on the Atlis or Straits maps only Zargabad but the option would be useful there too.


Thank you.

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unfortunately it is not possible for the module if you don't won't to write a config for it. Here is why:


taken from fn_strategicmapopen.sqf


//--- Calculate terrain size and outside color
_mapSize = [] call bis_fnc_mapSize;
BIS_fnc_strategicMapOpen_mapSize = _mapSize;
BIS_fnc_strategicMapOpen_isNight = _isNight;
_scale = 3500 / _mapSize / safezoneH;
_scale = _scale * (_defaultScale max 0 min 1);
RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleMin = _scale;
RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleMax = _scale;
RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleDefault = _scale;




bis_fnc_mapSize returns -1 on almost all non vanilla maps ... (strangly on VR, too)


BUT, if you know your way around you can copy fn_strategicmapopen.sqf, replace

_mapSize = [] call bis_fnc_mapSize; // line 80


_mapSize = worldSize;

RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleMin = _scale; // line 93
RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleMax = _scale; // line 94
RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleDefault = _scale; //line 95


RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleMin = 0;
RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleMax = 1;
RscDisplayStrategicMap_scaleDefault = _scale;

make it into a function and [stuff] call IMPROVED_BIS_fnc_strategicmapopen.




Don't forget the 8th parameter ,which is the default scale.





Now everything works. At least it does for me on PR Fata.









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Maybe somebody should make a ticket for it. And please delete the post, if I am changing stuff I am not suppored to change...

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Lol I don't really know what I'm doing, I more just muddle along.


Not sure where to find strategicmapopen.sqf to replace lines. If you have already done it could you simply link the full sqf file or text that I can have a look at? Hopefully one I can run without the need of packaging it as an addon? I may have misunderstood something here but I would really like a simple script I can run that would open it correctly.


I have almost finished a campaign where you get the pick the order you do the missions in, with different rewards and consequences for each mission. I though the Strategic Map would be a nice way to tie it all together. It is maddening when you get a problem like this near the end and may have to redo hours of work with a different method.

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You can find the script in the config viewer of arma. Copy & paste the hole thing in an empty sqf file, replace the mentioned parts in the new file.

Now make a function out of it by defining it in description.ext or compiling/preprocessing it.

Finally you can use the parameters of the biki link to define your missions and stuff.

If you want the module solution unfortunately I can not help you, because it would be an unnecessary effort, since the module simply calls the function. And the mission moduls are almost the same as the script version.

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