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Why do I have less control over commanding AI in MP?

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I really don't get it. In SP, I can command my AI teammates to get in specific vehicle positions (such as driver, gunner, etc), force them to heal themselves, force them to heal me, force them to copy my stance; but any time I play alone with AI in MP I don't seem to have any of these options.

Some of the missions that I play (alone) require a multiplayer server connection. But losing these features pretty much makes playing as a real squad without real people impossible.

I also discovered that Teamswitch doesn't work in MP either so I can't even do any of these actions myself for the AI.

Is this just a limitation of the engine? Or is there anything I can do to get these options back?

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I have honestly never noticed a difference between SP and MP in terms of ordering AI around. I assume in the MP scenario(s) in question you are the squad-leader, right?

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Yes I play as squad leader.

I'm not going to rule out completely that my MP missions may have mods that conflict with ordering AI. I probably should have put that in my OP. But I doubt it. I get none of the above options and probably then some of I were to look at it even closer.

No asking them to heal. No asking them to heal me. No directing them to certain vehicle positions. I don't even think I can command them to replenish or rearm.

It's driving me crazy. :) The options just simply don't show up with the F2-F9/1-9 commands.

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The options just simply don't show up with the F2-F9/1-9 commands.

Are you using ACE/AGM/CSE?

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Are you using ACE/AGM/CSE?

I am using ACE in some of these missions. Do you think that would impact basic vanilla interactions like "get in driver's/gunner's seat?"

I guess I could see how ACE could hinder the AI healing me or themselves. If that's the cause that's unfortunate.

I'll try disabling ACE tonight and see if I get any control back. It's just weird that the options don't even show up.

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ACE binds random shit (such as weapon selection, grenade throw types and junk) to the number keys which overwrite default numerical input (i.e. the command menu). I think there is a module or some-such you can put down to remove this behaviour, or failing that just rebind the keys manually in the ACE settings menu.

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Welp. So I think it's safe to say, in large part, ACE was entirely the problem.

I seem to have most of the control I wanted after deleting all its files from my missions. Some things still don't pop up the way I'd like (such as healing and vehicle seat commands), but all in all everything is much better.

Too bad ACE isn't very SP friendly. Unfortunately I don't think I can use it any more for this very reason.

Thanks so much for the help man! You saved me. :)

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