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Play Minidayz With Xbox360 Controller

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This is a gamepad script i made for mysfelf.

All you need is GlovePie 0.45 Free app , Google for it!

After you install/extract Glovepie, Run it & run this script:


//Script Version 2.0
Key.W = XInput.Up
Key.S = XInput.Down
Key.A = XInput.Left
Key.D = XInput.Right
Key.C = XInput.B
Mouse.LeftButton = Xinput.A
Mouse.RightButton = Xinput.LeftTrigger
Mouse.LeftButton = Xinput.RightTrigger
Key.One = XInput.X
Key.Two = Xinput.Y
Key.Up = (XInput.LeftStickY > .40)
Key.Down = (XInput.LeftStickY < -.40)
Key.Right = (XInput.LeftStickX > .40)
Key.Left = (XInput.LeftStickX < -.40)
Key.Escape = XInput.Start
Key.F11 = Xinput.Back
Key.Ctrl and Key.NumpadPlus = XInput1.LeftShoulder
Key.Ctrl and Key.NumpadMinus = XInput1.RightShoulder
If Xinput.RightStickX < -0.2 or Xinput.RightStickX > 0.2
Mouse.DirectInputX = Mouse.DirectInputX + (10)*(Xinput.RightStickX)
If Xinput.RightStickY < -0.2 or Xinput.RightStickY > 0.2
Mouse.DirectInputY = Mouse.DirectInputY - (10)*(Xinput.RightStickY)


Now you can play MiniDayz With Any Xinput Gamepad


Left Analog or Dpad = Movement

Right Analog = Mouse Cursor

A = Attack / Left Mouse Click

B = Use

X = Weapon1 (Melee)

Y = Weapon2 (Ranged)


(dont ask why it just feel right this way)

RightTrigger = Left Mouse Click when in inventory or attack

Left Trigger = Right Mouse Click when in inventory


Start = Escape

Back = F11 (enter/exit fullscreen on browser)

Left Shoulder = Increase browser Screen Size

Right Shoulder = Decrease browser Screen Size




To attack your mouse cursor must be in game area , not outside or in inventory

To avoid stuttering play in fullscreen (F11 or back button)

To shoot weapons Aim with Right analog and shoot with Right Trigger, while dodging incoming (enemy) bullets with left analog

If you have problems with mouse cursor running all over screen, disable/unplug mouse



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