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[TVT-18] Arma 3 - Olé

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Welcome to Arma 3 - Olé! 

"Anything but serious" mission for those who want fast fun in Arma. Totally focused on being fun, unrealistic, and everything what Arma is not supposed to be :)


Have fun! 




Designed for minimum 4 players, maximum 18. Specially suitable for Open Dedi environment. 

Creds to Mariokart, Carmaggedon and of course Bullfighting shows. 

If you find a bug, and it's a fun one, I won't remove it, don't post it anywhere. 


If it's not that fun, please report and will make any change ASAP.

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I´m quite curious to see (or even better play) what´s this mission about... but being a Barbolani mission, it is definately not a hoax as some "pretencious missions on steamworkshop", I´m certain it will be fun indeed =)


[EDIT] Ok, I´ve got it... seems fun as heck, but MP only, thou I think you could makeshift forcing AI to get in the cars and jump inside the arena through waypoints, or maybe spawn AI already inside the arena, but great idea anyways ;D



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I'm afraid this time we have to stay on the MP only. AI here is or totally dumb or super killers.


The RPGs manned by a human in a moving car make more noise than damage, which is the objective :) But if an AI is using an RPG, even with the skill set to zero, is deadly.


And of course this mod is fun if the driver drives like crazy, and Arma AI drives like my mother...

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Yesterday we had the first "serious" session in a Dedi with a few players.


Despite we found some bugs (AAF was practically unplayable), we had a lot of fun!!!


I spent a good part of the match laughing as never in Arma.


Hope you have a good time too!


Mission has been patched and seems to run quite well.


If you have any idea to suggest, it's welcome. Even more if it's a total nonsense.

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