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Ace Combat 7

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It's coming.



Yes, i am an Ace combat fan. It all started with their third game, and then the 5'th game, which in my opinion had the  best story line of any game i've played (aside from the Metal Gear series. Hats of to you Japan. XD)


Anyhow, so firstly, Ace Combat 7 is announced to take place in Strangereal. Strangereal is another word for the Ace Combat series world (dubbed by most fans), and not the real life world. Their previous series took place in Strangereal, but the recent games have taken place in real life locations across the world in including Dubai, Washington DC, Moscow, Miami Florida, and Tokyo. However, in Strangereal, you have a large number of different nations, all with a very interesting, lengthy, and dark history of conflicts. As per mentioned earlier, Ace Combat 5 and Zero, were the best installments of the series in my opinion. Ace Combat 5 being my all time favorite, which brings us to who is developing it.


Sunao Katabuch, who developed the scenario for Ace Combat 4 and 5 will be working on Ace Combat 7. This is quite epic, because given how great of a story line the Unsung War was, Ace Combat 7 has potential to be another edge of the seat experience. Not just with the story line either. Now, as seen in the trailer, apart from previous versions of the Ace Combat series.


The game has three axes. The first is the depiction of the sky, such as three-dimensional clouds. Clouds are rendered as objects floating in 3D space, not as background scenery, and if you aim for a specific cloud, you can fly through it. The second axis is the enjoyment of airplane simulation. You’ll won’t be performing special moves with the push of a button, but rather maneuvers by strategic piloting. The third axis is improving how you clear missions. The graphics as seen in the trailer seem to be a whole new ball game than anything i've ever seen in previous Ace Combat's. Hah, and i thought Ace Combat 6 looked good. 


This is going to be a whole new amazing experience for the game. Makes me wonder if this installment of the series will have multiplayer. Lets hope it does given Ace Combat Infinity did implement the most interesting Multiplayer functionality of any Ace Combat game, which was a PS3 exclusive Free to play game, entirely based on your skill. After many years, the Original Ace Combat world has returned, and judging by the distinctive Piano tune in the beginning to the trailer, a continuation of the Unsung war, could well be here in the next few months to come.

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Isn't that a lower tech version of the glepnier from ace combat x: skies of deception? (I loved playing that on my psp)

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Isn't that a lower tech version of the glepnier from ace combat x: skies of deception? (I loved playing that on my psp)

No, dubbed "FAS", it appears just to be another floating monstrosity boss of some kind, built to guard that tower that i assume is what they called "Lighthouse" in the Trailer. I am honestly curious to see how this pans out when we get more information. And given that it's been confirmed that the Trailer is all live, in engine... I'm curious how the hell one is going to fight off that many UAV's, now that flying is supposedly going to require real skills to pull certain maneuvers instead of micro-quick time events like in Assault Horizon. Though, the F-22 has been front page in almost every Ace Combat since 3. Except for 6, they chose the F-15 more for that one.


Meh, PS4 exclusive.

Oh come on, it's not that bad. They also said it would support Virtual Reality. Which would be interesting.

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