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Pop-up Target script Error "Invalid number in expression"

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Hi, I am making a rifle range script for arma 3 and I am getting 2 problems:


1) When I run this the debugger returns ""Invalid number in expression on line 13", here is the function.

targetPool = [tar1,tar2];
_numTargets = count targetPool;
monitorTargets = false;
hitNumber = 0;

if (_numTargets > 0) then {
	monitorTargets = true;
//Loop while we are being asked to
while {monitorTargets} do {
		if (animationState == "terc" && animationPhase == 1)  {
			hitNumber = hitNumber + 1;
			hintSilent format["Hit number: %1", hitNumber];
		} else if (animationState = "terc" && animationPhase == 0) {
			_this animate["terc",1];
		} else {
			hintSilent "Miss!";
	}forEach targetPool;

2) This not a fatal issue but it's not ideal. I can't call the function even though I have defined the class in a c++ header file. my description.ext:

#include "Functions.h"

and my Functions.h:

class CfgFunctions {

	class crane {
		file = "functions\";
		tags = "crane";

		class PreTasks {
			//For funtions to be initialised before init obj's
			preInit = 1;

			class setWarInventory{};
			class setRidgebackInventory{};
			class startRange{};

		class PostTasks {
			//for functions to be initialised after init obj's
			postInit = 1;
			class stopRange{};


//I forgot to end the CfgFunctions class with };

Thank you for any help. 

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targetPool = [tar1,tar2];
_numTargets = count targetPool;
monitorTargets = false;
hitNumber = 0;

if (_numTargets > 0) then {
    monitorTargets = true;
//Loop while we are being asked to
while {monitorTargets} do {
        if (animationState == "terc" && animationPhase == 1) then
            hitNumber = hitNumber + 1;
            hintSilent format["Hit number: %1", hitNumber];
            if (animationState = "terc" && animationPhase == 0)
                _this animate["terc",1];
                hintSilent "Miss!";
    }forEach targetPool;

This should work if I didn't miss something. You forgot a "then" and some brackets



Edit: ninja'd



@OP, report your other post to a mod via the report button so it can be deleted.



Edit: Also, add a sleep to your while loop, otherwise it will run on each frame.

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Thank you for your help. EDIT: It still doesn't work, it says that the error is in line 13 in the condition. 

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