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1.86 patch troubles

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Ok,  patch 1.86beta was installed on oo7vet's coop server #3. We had major problems playing.

When a map was selected and someone had to download the map all people that had it already were thrown back to the mapselection screen (like when voting a map), then (after the download had finished) everyone was back to the asignment screen. Only if everyone already had the map could we start and play.

Also everyone playing with 1,85 is showing the modified config message.

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Have just been playing on a 1.86b server (the ">>TDK<< 1.86 Beta" server). I have the full OFP:R patched to 1.85. All was going well.

I was playing the "16_T=SAS=TDMSniper" mission when I started loosing connection (yellow box).

I received the usual "no contact for 10 seconds", etc. messages but also a larger message in the middle of the screen that was counting how many seconds (a bit of redundancy here? Is this 1.85 or 1.86b feature?).

I noticed that I could reload and crouch but not shoot or move. Nice feature, will help stop cheating. I can't actually rememebr if this movement locking was associated with yellow or red boxes or both. The connection was going flaky with alternating yellow and red boxes. At one stage I heard someone else's gun shoot so I must have very temporarily reconnected. However, interestingly the static running guy I was looking at at the time didn't move an inch when this happened.

Anyway, I decided that I would just Esc out and disconnect. I did so but then the server screen would freeze for about 50 seconds every time I clicked on Refresh. In fact the complete system would freeze and Alt + Tab would not work. During this time there was some reading and/or writing to the HDD. Finally it would unfreeze and give me no update to the list.

I tried Canceling out to the start-up screen and then entering Multiplayer screen again but it would freeze without even the laptop image opening.

I then quit OFP and restarted it but same problem when entering Multiplayer.

Finally I quit OFP, disconnected from my ISP (yes I had been checking all along that I was still connected. I even started up IE to confirm this). I reconnected to the ISP and started OFP. Now all was OK. The guys on the server were still playing and had not noticed anything wrong.

This may or may not be a bug or specific to 1.86 or of any use to BIS. But there is the info for what it is worth.

P4 933

512 Mb RAM

G4 4200 64 Mb

v92 modem


P.S. Thanks yet again BIS for a fantastic waste of my time. What better way to waste time than playing OFP! The greatest game ever and I look forward to it getting better, either in this form or as OFP2 (or equivalent).

P.P.S. Pls take note of America's Army rolling. Nice feature for the next incarnation smile.gifwink.gif

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If that's the same game, when me and my buddies were playing with you, I can only say that the game was stable for the rest of us. Of course there were the massive lag spikes and resulting warping of players but the rest seemed fine. *shrug*

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Something else that happend in 1.86 (not sure about 1.85, but I didn't see it there):

When using a custom face and you connect to a server you've been previously playing on (so it already has your face in the cache), it can happen that you get kicked. If you remove the custom face, it works just fine... That is with a custom face of only 40k in size, so it's way below the actual limit announced by Suma in August.

Also, as custom sounds and faces are the main reason for lag (when the server is locked an nobody is connecting gameplay is ok) as far as my experiance with 1.8x goes, the posibility to block/adjust custom sounds in the server config would be great. Just being able to set the allowed total/per sound size to 0 would already solve many problems. Now admins have to check manually the size of the tmp folder and kick/ban offenders that are unwilling to remove their sounds.

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