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Mod not loading init.sqf

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Hey guys,


none of my mods really work any more since the alpha which brought Eden. Mods are loaded into the UI, they are shown as active addons.


More important for me is my weather mod. To me it feels like ArmA has more access restrictions of SQFs. But I don't know.



Loader pbo is in A3\@tort_dynamicweather2\addons\tort_DynamicWeather2.pbo

The pbo has an init.sqf, which only does: #include "\@TORT_DYNAMICWEATHER2\script\init.sqf"

Don't remember, if that init.sqf is necessary.

That pbo also contains a config.cpp as shown below. You can see, it loads an init.sqf outside of the pbo in "a3\@TORT_DYNAMICWEATHER2\script\"


Both init.sqf are not executed. A debug hint, set at init.sqf start does not appear. I have -showscripterrors on, I can do what I want, I do not even get a simple script error. Nothing. It feels like ArmA has not loaded my mod at all, but UI (expansions) tells a different story. I'm used to crash ArmA if include files etc. are wrong, but nothing happens here.


My question: Has there been any fundamental change?



class CfgPatches
units[] = { };
weapons[] = { };
version = "0.9.6";
versionStr = "0.9.6";
versionDesc= "tort_DynamicWeather2";
versionAr[] = {0,9,6};
author[] = {"tortuosit"};
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers 
clientInit = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\@TORT_DYNAMICWEATHER2\script\init.sqf'";
disableModuload = true;

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Could you not just make the init file a function file, then execute the function via CfgFunctions with the postInit attribute?

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OK thx, I managed to load the init.sqf now, but there's so many other calls broken. My mod is modular and a lot is not exectuted any more, requires serious debugging which I cannot do atm.

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