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How do I close these doors on mission start?

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My current code on a game logic placed ontop of it:

0 = [getpos this,100] spawn {
	sleep 1;
		private "_b";
		_b = _x;
		for "_i" from 0 to 7 do {
			_b animate ["dvere",1];
			_b animate ["dvere_" + str _i,1];
			_b animate ["dvere_1_" + str _i,1];
			_b animate ["dvere_2_" + str _i,1];
			_b animate ["Door_01",1];
			_b animate ["door_1_rot",1];
			_b animate ["hatch_1_rot",1];
	} foreach ((_this select 0) nearobjects (_this select 1))

As you can see I've tried every door variation I could find online!

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Closing a door is done by 0. You used 1 instead, so that will not do anything since the doors are already open.


Since I can't tell whether this is BI or community content, I'd recommend to find out the door names by either looking into the configs or by pointing at the doors while using the following code, which will display the door name in the center of your screen:

["test", "onEachFrame", {
	private "_intersectObjectName";
	_startPos	= ASLToAGL eyePos player;
	_endPos		= positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 100];
	_intersectObjects = [cursorTarget, "VIEW"] intersect [_startPos, _endPos];
	_intersectObject = _intersectObjects select 0;
	if (!isNil "_intersectObject") then {
		_intersectObject = _intersectObject select 0;
		titleText [_intersectObject, "PLAIN", 0.001];
}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

If they can't be opened or closed then there's probably no handler for this, hence they are probably a static part of the model just like the walls and everything else.

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I think that is the same Land_Ammostore2 that Sahrani uses, and which can be closed. The door names are "Door1" and "Door2". Also for whatever reason, the state for closing these doors is 1, not 0. Edit: Code for the game logic:

0 = [getpos this, 100] spawn {

  sleep 0.1;

   _x animate ["Door1", 1, TRUE];
   _x animate ["Door2", 1, TRUE];
  } foreach ((_this select 0) nearObjects (_this select 1))


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