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Can't steer parachute anymore?

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I used to use W,A,S,D but after instaling a flight stick the A and D no longer work, maybe I un-binded the keys? I tried binding the WASD keys to the collective controls, but I still can't steer the chute? Yet I can steer with my flight stick. Can anyone tell me what command I need to re-bind.

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I used to use W,A,S,D but after instaling a flight stick the A and D no longer work, maybe I un-binded the keys? I tried binding the WASD keys to the collective controls, but I still can't steer the chute? Yet I can steer with my flight stick. Can anyone tell me what command I need to re-bind.


I have the exact same problem but I did not install a stick. I had rebound my helicopter controls and noticed after that I was unable to turn the parachute left or right. I am still however able to drop and pullback. I have since set the controls to default but still cannot turn the parachute. Is there any other information about this bug?



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Try bind the keys to cyclic left and cyclic right.



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Tested again and you are right, there are something weird with parachuting when you have a joystick. Only way I could get the steering left/right with the keyboard is if I disable the joystick in the menu or of course unplug it before starting A3. Using keys for speed control (forward/back) works just fine even if joystick is enabled/plugged in.


Can you guys confirm this?



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We are talking about stable 1.56?

I was able to control my parachute in all direction with all my joystick and other flight hardware attached AND enabled.


No issues there.


Check your file integrity. Try to create a new profile and test the default key combination.


Parachute is using the controls of the helicopter. So assign Cyclic-Controls to WASD also. (As KeyCat said)

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@swissmag: I had this problem with 1.54 as well (and probably before that but don't para jump very often) so it's not new to 1.56.


If you guys still have the problem see my post below. Doing the steps described it now works for me but I have no idea why???




Hopefully it fixes you steering problems as well.



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