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SVN user switching to Git

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Some years ago, (name drop alert) Soul Assassin said to me 'SVN saves lives' and he was absolutely right. It's helped loads.


But now I'm considering switching to Github as I prefer the slightly more public nature of it and because I'm keen to try something new.


I'm very much a basic level user of SVN, I've never done a branch, for example, so I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about moving to Git for a new mission project.


The situation I want to avoid is this: In a couple of months time, I want to do something (as yet unknown) quite simple and elementary and fail miserably and some Git expert pipes up and says "Oh, no... you can't do that!" and makes me wish I stayed with SVN.

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If your question is something along the line "Could something not work in GIT which worked in SVN?" then no, this won't happen. SVN can seamlessly be imported into GIT.


The advantage of GIT over SVN is that you've got a local repository. That means, while with SVN you only had "Commit", GIT has "Commit" and "Push". Committing in GIT means committing it to a repository on your local PC. This is especially useful if you - for whatever reason - don't have a server connection. Only when you push your project, the stuff gets to the server.


I'm not aware of any disadvantages of GIT compared to SVN, I only know the advantages, which is why I use GIT.

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That was my underlying question, yes.


I wasn't aware of the difference between commit and push, so that's useful info.


Thanks for the reply. :)

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As a total noob to this stuff I found Git easy to work with and fairly intuitive... enough so I don't look the fool when someone says "grab the latest off of Github"  :P

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Thanks chaps - I've decided to switch to git for my new projects.

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