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Can't pick up custom uniform off ground.

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I have created some custom uniforms that work fine but the only problem left I can't figure out is if you drop the uniform on the ground, it cannot be picked back up. When you try to drag everything is red. Also the 3D model is all white.


Appreciate any help.

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Did you tried it with every Faction (Blufor, Opfor, Indfor, Civ)? Because if you set the Faction from the Uniform to Blufor, you cant pick up the uniform as Opfor Soldier.

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Solviper, I'd like to point you to my guide here. The problem of the uniform not being able to be picked up is most probably caused by modelSides[] property in a soldier's (not in a uniform's). It's an array of numbers basically meaning which sides' uniforms can the soldier use: 0 is for OPFOR, 1 for BLUFOR, 2 for AAF, and 3 for civilians. The problem of the model without textures could be caused by something amiss in a ground holder, or maybe in a uniform's config itself (depends on when the problem appears). If the guide doesn't solve your issues and/or if you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Including your configs will help.

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@kokakolaA3 and @locklear I know this is a little late but thanks for the responses. I was able to add the texture to the suit so it works when you drop it on the ground using your guide AND was able to get the models on the correct side so they could be picked up. thank you!

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