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Hello, I am having issues with setting up a live dev environment. I want to be able to edit addon scripts on the fly. I have read several wiki pages and threads already. So far my PBOPREFIX works fine for CfgFunctions that I have defined. The issue is getting files on my P:\ drive to update during gameplay.
Here is what I have:

$PBOPREFIX$ contents: 


$PBOPREFIX$ location in addon

...\Arma 3\@BenTest\addons\ServFav(.pbo)\$PBOPREFIX$

$PBOPREFIX$ location in P


tst.sqf is the file I am trying to edit on the fly:


Actual location

...\Arma 3\@BenTest\addons\ServFav(.pbo)\tst.sqf



How I can currently execute it in game (but not able to get changes from P:/ drive version)

0 execvm "x\BNRG\addons\ServFav\tst.sqf";


Resources I have used:









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Been struggling with this as well...and all i was able to find out is that the game needs to be restart everytime?  is this right?!  This sucks...

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sorry to bump this up but I have the same issue

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Sorry to bring up this topic again years later, but has anyone figured out how to make live editing like this? Everything seems to be in accordance with the document, but the changes I made to the files at x\myMod\addons\myAddon do not work. 

Develop With Unpacked Data

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