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ARMA LAN w/ Casual friends

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I'm in the awkward situation of being a fan of ARMA, but having friends who aren't into it enough to buy it.  I went to great lengths to work up some missions in ARMA 2 Free, but it's pretty limited and I have to do all the work (since all the custom missions people make are for the full game).  I could go on, but whining isn't the point of this post.


The idea occurred to me, "Wouldn't it be great if BIS released a limited multiplayer-client-only version of ARMA III so that I could host LANs without my friends needing to make a big investment?"  In a sense it would be a bit like F2P, giving people who do pay more people to play with, and allowing more people to see what they're missing without needing to pay up front.  Anyone else think this is a fine idea?  (or have other options for me and my LAN dreams?)

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