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Unit insignia.

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Is it possible to add unit insignia to uniforms in a config? I've been searching for the past half hour but I'm not able to find much about it. Basically, I have made a replacement that changes the CSAT uniforms. What I'd like to do is applying some insignia to those uniforms, pretty much what the BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia does though scripting.

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Sure can. There are a couple of ways that I have done it with my own projects, both involving EventHandlers:

class CfgVehicles
        class SOLDIER
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Soldier";
		class EventHandlers 
			init = "[(_this select 0),""CLASSNAME""] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;";

This method would be the most direct approach, allowing you to define the insignia used straight from the config.

class CfgVehicles
        class SOLDIER
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Soldier";
		class EventHandlers 
			init = "(_this select 0) execVM ""ADDON\scripts\insignia.sqf""";

This method would require you to create a script which would then define the insignia(s) to be used for the unit. Only reason to really do it this way is in case you wanted a randomized choice for the insignia.


Hope that helps, and let me know if you have any further trouble with it.

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Thanks! Isn't performance affected in some way calling a script for every unit? I was hoping one could change the hidden selection named insignia from the config.

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Well as for the first method I posted, I doubt you will notice any type of performance impact from that, since it is all called from the config. The second method could probably result in some loss of performance, when you get into tons of soldiers all calling an external script for their insignias. But I will say, I've created some units that use a massive script to randomly generate insignias for them and other than a slight pause at the load of a mission, it runs fine, with no major impact to note...and that's with lots of units all calling the script at the same time. So, I think it would be safe to say that you shouldn't have to worry about any significant performance loss.


As far as changing the insignia hidden selection from the config, I'm not sure. Never seen it done before, but that's not to say it isn't possible, so if you do discover a way to do that, please do share.  ;)

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If it's possible, I don't think anyone knows. I'll go with your first method. Thanks again!


BTW, your insignias are the ones I'm try to use  :) .

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