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Server FPS drops down while Network traffic goes high

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HI there,


I´m using the latest perf binary 1.48 v6 but same problem with vanilla binary


We upgraded your server a few Days before to an Dual E5-2630v3 Server with egnoth power for 1 Arma3 Altis Life Server


on a Count of ~90 Players at (25 to 30 fps at Server) i saw that the Network traffic goes up realy high for a short time (~ 10 Secounds)

this happens on undeclared situations many times (so every 5 to 10 Minutes)

Netzwork traffic gets blowed up to ~200% of normal traffic and while this high traffic

the Server FPS drops down to near 0 (1-9)

if the high traffic is over the server goes back to 25 - 30 fps

in rpt log I fount "Network Message Pending"


BUT how can i stop this ? I can´t find any Network Message Problem in my Mission or Server Files.

I tryed out a lot of basic.cfg values

I tryed out some tbbmalloc´s (Large Page is enabled)


Can anyone help me to find the issue ?

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This is most likely a badly optmised mission and your lack of bandwidth and hardware to deal with it.

The clients fps also effects server fps.

The network pending messages are packets that were NOT sent out due to high load which would most likely then add to the problems causing desync

Each patch released incorporates server side optimisations that are being tested in the dev build, these can have an effect on the server performance.

Also commands sometimes get changed, this can also effect mission performance.


You can try editing your bandwidth settings and definitely try hosting for less players

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