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[SPMC] Supremacy Framework v0.6.0 (September 2nd 2016) - Multiplayer Sandbox Framework.

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Item save goes to 100%.

What is still missing is that purchased vehicles are stored.

And you can lock the vehicles.

Your status bar disappears when you use Infistar.

That's why I had posted the.

If I can help or support you then just sign up.


Sorry, it's a bit hard to understand what you mean, no offence. Items goes to 100% you mean like ammo in the weapons and so on?

The project is open source so if you want to contribute feel free - its on Github.

I do not have any intention of making it compatible with 3rd party anti cheat or like, since its something which people can add in themselves. You have to remember this is a framework, really just to kick start other peoples mods or game modes, some hacking/tweaking would be required in the end.

That said, again, if you have a solution to this, and want to contribute then by all means do so via github.


Appreciate the feedback!

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Can someone help me here?

        case "vehicle": {
            _holder = createVehicle [(_item select 0), (getMarkerPos _misc), [], 0, "none"];
            _holder allowDamage false;
            _holder setVectorUp (surfaceNormal (getMarkerPos _misc));
            _holder setDir (markerDir _misc);
            _holder setPos (getMarkerPos _misc);	    
	    _holder setVariable ["ownerUID", getPlayerUID player,true];
            _holder allowDamage true;

            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _holder;
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _holder;
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _holder;
            clearItemCargoGlobal _holder;

This is in the keyHandler.sqf

player addAction ["[Unlock\Lock]", "addons\lock-unlock\unlockLock.sqf", [], 1, false, false, "", "count nearestObjects [player, ['Armored','Car','Support','Submarine','LandVehicle', 'Ship', 'Air'], 5] > 0"],

And this is the unlockLock.sqf

private ["_vehicle","_lockState","_nearvehicle"];
_nearvehicle = nearestObjects [player, ["LandVehicle", "Ship", "Air"], 5];
_vehicle = _nearvehicle select 0;
_lockState = locked _vehicle;

if (_vehicle getVariable "ownerUID" == getPlayerUID player) then {
	if(_lockState == 1) then
		_vehicle lock true;
		_vehicle lockCargo true;
		_vehicle setVariable ["objectLocked", true, true];
		_vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];	
		_vehicle say3D "carlock";
		_vehicle engineOn false;
		player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
		sleep 0.5;
		player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
		titleText ["Vehicle Locked!","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;
		_vehicle lock false;
		_vehicle lockCargo false;
		_vehicle setVariable ["objectLocked", false, true];
		_vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",false,true];		
		_vehicle say3D "carlock";
		player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
		sleep 0.5;
		player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
		titleText ["Vehicle unlocked!","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;

if (_vehicle getVariable "ownerUID"!= getPlayerUID player) then {
	if(_lockState == 1) then
		_vehicle lock true;
		_vehicle lockCargo true;
		_vehicle setVariable ["objectLocked", true, true];
		_vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];	
		_vehicle say3D "carlock";
		_vehicle engineOn false;
		player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
		sleep 0.5;
		player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
		titleText ["Vehicle Locked!","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;
			if (isPlayer _x) then
			_x action ["eject", _vehicle];
		} forEach (crew _vehicle);

			titleText ["You are not the owner of this vehicle","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 5;
			_vehicle say3D "caralarm";
			player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;
			player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;
			player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;
			player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;
			player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;
			player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;
			player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;
			player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
			sleep 0.5;

But it does not work properly.
It does not set when creating the vehicle

_holder setVariable ["ownerUID", getPlayerUID player,true];

Can someone help me?

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If your mission is multiplayer, the setVariable command is only a local command. Executed only on the server so the clients never see it. You need to look into how to send those variables to the clients otherwise they don't mean anything. The BIS wiki is a good source for this. publicVariable and remoteExec are examples of this!


***EDIT*** My apologies. I missed the fact that setVariable can be transmitted to all clients and that you have used that syntax correctly. Disregard my comments please!

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I just can not go on.

Can someone help me?

This thread is for Supremacy! You'd have better luck if you posted your own thread in the editing/scripting section of the forums!


One thing I did notice is your _lockstate. You compare it to equal 1. The command 'locked', the value 1 represents default and just looking at your code, to me it looks like you should be using 2 as 2  equals locked. But I'm not 100% sure what your code is trying to do!


Syntax: locked vehicle


Parameters: vehicle: Object


Return Value: Number - since Arma 3: 0 - Unlocked; 1 - Default; 2 - Locked; 3 - Locked for player; -1 - vehicle is null. Older games will return Boolean

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