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Dynamic numbered Rsc Slider

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I'm creating a GUI for calling support/fire missions and I have a field for selecting the number of rounds fired in artillery or air strikes.


Previously this was a simple combo box, but it would look a lot better if this was a slider* (I haven't yet figured out how to upload a picture on here)



I've successfully created a default slider, but I haven't yet found out how to set the number of 'ticks', or what these correspond to.



For example;


  • Suppose you choose MLRS from a combo; I would want five increments on the scale corresponding to: [1,2,4,8,12];
  • If you chose an air strike using Hydra 70 rockets however, I would only want three increments, corresponding to [7,14,28];


There are some examples I only want 1 option (i.e. with a 1000lb JDAM strike), but I guess I can 'grey out' the slider and make it have no effect in these cases.



Thanks in advance,





*I'm assuming here that a slider is a scale of options, rather than a scroll bar. Although weirdly the biki suggests that "slider" and "scroll bar" are synonymous, even though to me the rscSlider looks more like a way of selecting a scale of options

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Other points:


- How might I go about 'hiding' the slider in cases where it's not relevant?


- How can I change the value of an rscText control when the slider is set to certain values?

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You should familiarize yourself with User Interface Event Handlers, there is an event handler that's exactly what you need, onSliderPosChanged. To use a UI event handler, you need to define it in the control:

class RscSlider_2000: RscSlider
	idc = 2000;
	x = 0 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
	y = 0 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
	w = 1 * safezoneW;
	h = 1 * safezoneH;
	onMouseClick = "systemChat str _this;";
	onMouseMoving = "systemChat str _this;";

	onSliderPosChanged = "call myFunction;";

In the function you call when the event handler fires, a simple switch will be sufficient. To change the text of a control, you need to familiarize yourself with this page, ctrlSetText is the command you are looking for. To hide a control, ctrlShow.

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