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UI images for DLC gear

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I was wondering if you could release or allow access to the UI.paa files for the DLC gear, and also update http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weaponswith the DLC images. 


I'm working on a project which uses this images to show a player what gear he has on his browser. The absence of this gear is providing to be a slight speed bump in this plan. 


Looking for the DLC vests like these. If anyone has them (or similiar) please help me out 

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I second that, I would love to see that as well so we could add the image into LEA and update it accordingly.

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Can't you just use the config viewer to find the correct pathnames and then just path to the image that way, rather than extracting and including the image in your mission/addon pbo?

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Can't you just use the config viewer to find the correct pathnames and then just path to the image that way, rather than extracting and including the image in your mission/addon pbo?


I can get the path yes. But this is for use outside of arma 3, I am not recreating a pbo etc.


I'm wanting access to the .paas to convert to .pngs and use on a website (to display the gear someone is wearing in-game)


And like Papa said, it would make the communities life easier if they were available for loadout mods. Like i previously stated. I do not wish to have access to the models, leave them encripted, i just want the UI images.


Please BIS sort this out.

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