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Elliot Beckett

Map editing help needed, multiple issues

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Hello all, 


so I have a few new issues.


I can't make roads what so ever using TB, everytime I use the polyline tool I can place the dots but when I double click they disappear, I have created a separate shape layer for them and it didn't work at all. Also I can't add any textures to the layer either, I right click on the layer, select the texture I want and then generate the layers. When I reopen TB I get this error. I have looked all through my layers.cfg and can not see any issues, I have all the texture files in the data folder etc but no matter what texture I select I always get a variation of that error. 


For those that can help, this is my Layers.cfg 

class layers
  class grass_green
    material="UR Map\UR_Map\data\grass_green.rvmat";
  class beach
  material="UR Map\UR_Map\data\beach.rvmat";
   class seabed
  material="UR Map\UR_Map\data\seabed.rvmat";
   class concrete
  material="UR Map\UR_Map\data\concrete.rvmat";
   class dry_grass
  material="UR Map\UR_Map\data\weed.rvmat";
class legend
  picture="UR Map\UR_Map\source\maplegend.png";
  class colors
	grass_green[]={{140, 195, 80,}};
	dry_grass[]={{170, 190, 80}};
	seabed[]={{230, 230, 120}};

This is an example of one of my RVMAT's

class Stage1
	texture="UR Map\UR_Map\data\concrete_nopx.paa";
	class uvTransform
class Stage2
	texture="UR Map\UR_Map\data\concrete_co.paa";
	class uvTransform

Another issue I get is when I generate layers and select the option to convert to .paa I get this error. I have been using the BI tools image to .paa converter as a work around, but I don't think its the best idea


If someone can help me out with this I would be very grateful, this is my first go a making a map so I don't know fully how to do it. I have been using some tutorials but I keep having issues.




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What program are you using to generate your terrain? I mean , are you using L3dt for creating you heightmap, mask and satmap?

Also you might want to use the atlas tut by jakerod if you haven't already. If you follow that you shouldn't really be getting many issues, Only yourself asking curious questions to suit your terrain.

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I use LD3T Pro and I have been following CaptnCaps tutorial. I shall have a look at the other tutorial though

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So I have started making a new map and everything is mostly working correctly. However, I am still having issues with the surface not found error, anyone got any ideas?

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why are you pressing the convert to .paa function. I've never had to use that?? When you have the base items sorted and are about to generate your layers, that should be the only thing you really need to do?


What I do when using L3DT is use the attribute map to help me define my layers output. I use the same RGB colouring for it and associate the textures to a particular colour and rgb value. Set my folders up, layers config etc, making sure all the folders are in place that need to be. then I set up in TB, all the params and values I need. Once that is done, I generate the layers. I hit that button hard as if its the final goal. Walk away for a bit, make a drink etc and come back after its ready for BD.


Load BD up and its all fine.  


Like I said you should really be following the Atlas tutorial by Jakerod, very informative, very basic and it is not as misleading or confusing as other tuts can be. there is a danger, which I found, learning from too many tuts can lead to mis-information or contradictory information. Thus wreaking your head and forcing you to give up because you think its too hard and you haven't got the patience for it.  




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Just had the exact same issue.  Make sure "Show Shapes" is on in the toolbar.  Mine was off by default, and I'd actually been doing completely working roads the whole time!

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